Ooo do you take payment plans?? I have ALWAYS wanted a ref by you!

I do payments. How long would you need?

About three weeks I believe? I get paid once a month and an allowance weekly (plus a bit of extra money for report cards) So I could do payments of $30-$40! (Referencing the $80 option)

That works for me! When youre ready to start payments, my Paypal is 

and you can fill out the form and post it here or DM it to me. Either works. :)

First payment sent! Should have come through for $30 <3 I'll have the next payment to you sometime next week! (Aka week coming up)

Got it! :)

Oo. I would love to order one.
* Character Name: nightshade 

* Species: crocodile 

* Gender (and/or pronouns): male - him/he 

* Old Reference: 

* Any changes/updates/additions/removals to design?: nope.
* Main Pose/Headshot Expression/Chibi Pose: up to you. 

* Personality (3-5 words minimum): curious, scientist, happy, mushroom lover 

* Reference background color(s): matching 

* Any other notes: he is a mushroom scientist.

oooo, a croc! <33

One quick question tho, Is he purely feral/on all fours or do you mind him drawn in an upright posture (not fully anthro) for a pose? I've got an idea for the chibi that would involve it. :P 

Kinda like this (not this chubby, just the posture):


You can send the $55 to and I'll DM you soon with the sketched up ref! :D

He can be drawn upright!! I think having him be able to go upright is a good idea!

Money is also sent.