


1 year, 3 months ago


The Nyvaris Vessel

Barzi (to almost none)
8 yrs, 4 m
Mackenzie Valley

Silver-tongued, calculating, and precise, Barzilai wields a quiet intensity that is the root of his indomitable presence. He is a well-spoken and eloquent leader, easily charming and swaying those who follow him in a magnetic pulse. Barzilai is a firm believer in thinking before acting, never making unnecessary moves or acting upon impulse: he is always in control. Always. In his youth, he was much more temperamental and volatile due to hosting a Deity from birth. He still is, but now has masterful control in hiding it. Underneath his jaded and steely exterior, lies a male who boils with ruthlessness and pure ambition lit ablaze. Once his sights are set upon something, seldom will he give up on it. His determination borders on madness and obsession that terrifies even the most fearless of wolves. Regardless, he is a respectful individual towards those who have earned his recognition and does not stoop to catty insults. Secretive and curt, Barzilai is a wolf rarely angered or upset, except when it comes to much more personal topics such as his parents and the Massacre. He hardly speaks much about his intimate thoughts, feelings, or views. Oftentimes, Barzilai appears almost disconnected from the world around him, as if he doesn’t truly belong to this plane. The Overlord holds the survival of his pack above all else, prioritizing their lives and his will to find them the justice and respect they always deserved.

[Fatal Flaw] Barzilai is incredibly myopic and greedy in the way that he fails to see the bigger picture, only concerning himself with his pack’s well-being, and wanting to claim all that he feels they are owed. He is obsessive and does not care for the wellbeing of Aurorum and Noctalia and is very black-white with his views. In Barzilai’s eyes, you’re either with him or you’re against him.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


Perhaps it's his inner deity talking, but twilight is always the most beautiful to him. It's one of the few times he allows himself to relax.
As he's always looking at the finer details of life, Barzilai has learned that he quite enjoys flowers. From scents to textures, he loves it all.
observing others
Though it often comes across as being very creepy, he can't help but enjoy watching what others do. Simply sitting and observing.
Yanno. They hop around. A bit slimey. Very hard to catch. Can be quite loud at times. Like land and water?! Crazy.


Whether it be him or another, he hates when impulsive actions are made. Everything must be carefully thought out for him.
small talk
He cares very little in the day-to-day trivial conversations. If you wish to catch his attention, you must be interesting.
being touched
Barzilai quite enjoys his personal space. He very much dislikes it when others get too close. Let alone if they can touch him.
After he defended Lunarre and fought against him, there's a deep hatred for the male. Attack on sight kind of hate.


No matter what kind of situation he is thrown into, Barzilai can easily adjust what is neccessary in order to survive.
You will never find him fumbling over his words or mishearing what he says. He takes careful consideration with each word he speaks.
As much as wolves like to call him unruly, he actually has quite a bit of control over himself. He never makes an impulsive move.
Nothing will stand in his way after he has set his sights on something. He will keep working to the bone until he achieves that goal.
Barzilai is not the brute everyone thinks he is. He is very careful in the way he presents himself and his actions, always quite orderly.


There is little room for sympathy and love in his heart. He cares little for the ails of others and seldom offers his help.
It takes quite some time before Barzilai feels he can trust someone. He half expects everyone to turn on him someday.
His obsessive nature can sometimes blind him from the bigger picture. Focusing on it until it simply consumes him.
There is litle kindness when it comes to other wolves. He expects the best and will let you know when you have failed.
Being lost in his otherwordly aura, it is not easy to simple approach the male and feel comfortable about it.


thick, long length


  • Long and thick, Barzilai’s pelage drapes his herculean form like a raven’s ebony cloak splashed by snow. The furs are thick and prickly, hardly that of anything luxurious. Standing at 38” at the shoulders, Barzilai is a beast of a man. However, his size is mostly due to sheer height and not overwhelming muscular mass. His frame is tall, lithe, but still adequately muscled and sturdy from years of hardship. Meanwhile, pools of a hypnotic golden-brown and icicle blue are sat in his sockets.
  • His body is etched in scars: the remnants from his time in the wild with his pack.
  • Voice Claim: Sephiroth
  • Barzilai is wrapped in scents of citrus, labdanum, sandalwood, and cedar.




12 (+2)
10 (0)
14 (+4)
9 (-1)


  • Parents: Aisling [father, alive] | Majeara [mother, deceased]
  • Siblings: Lunarre [adoptive sister, alive, played by Yue] | Devika [adoptive sister, alive, played by Alu]
  • Crush: None
  • Mate: Adrasteia [female, alive, played by Sigyn]
  • Children: None
  • Other Kin: None


dark green



Born to Empress Majeara and Patriarch Aisling, Barzilai became the Vessel of the new deity of Twilight, Nyvaris. As a pup, he was raised with the best wolves at his every beck and call. He was coached by elite warriors of both Aurorum and Noctalia, giving him an eclectic set of skills that he has learned from the two packs. However, growing up, Barzilai realized how differently members of the packs treated him. He noticed every grimace, glare, and scornful expression made towards him. Even the Seer of Sylvicor, Diona, often spoke ill of him. To them, he was the personification of their alphas’ ignorance, disgrace, and selfishness. Regardless, he was generously loved and doted on by his parents who attempted to stop the persecution, but to no avail.

Barzilai was also close with Lunarre, his younger step-sister. He even considered her to be part of his true family, despite the fact they had no blood relations. But as they grew and the vessel within him became more difficult to control, she began to defend him less and less. He saw this as her turning his back on him, becoming an enemy to him and to Lyraithe. One sorry day, he cornered her and attacked her, forcing her to relive the same pain when she was just a pup. That was the end of their close sibling relationship. Things were only made worse as another male, Adonis, came in to defend her. Things started to escalate further as they began to fight, both leaving with many wounds to tend to.

Barzilai always knew of the context of his birth: of how Diona had warned his parents against it and how he was doomed to bring chaos to Sylvicor. He never believed a word of it. However, as he grew, containing Nyvaris’ chaotic, newborn spirit proved challenging. He was prone to violence, hostility, and was fiercely territorial of what he claimed to belong to him.

At 2 years old, he was granted territory where he founded the Lyraithe pack. During this time, he met Adrasteia who became his close friend and most trusted confidante. As he matured, he continued to be viewed with hatred and dislike by the other packs, despite being the offspring of their leaders. This discrimination was also experienced by Lyraithe members, to which they often came to Barzilai with complaints. It angered him to see his members bullied and disrespected. Over time, the injustice spiraled. Lyraithe wolves began turning up injured by Aurorum/Noctalia wolves and Barzilai decided that enough was enough. In an act of rebellion, he permitted his pack to disregard the general laws of peace which only angered Aurorum and Noctalia further.

At 4 years of age, his parents held a peace talk at the Halcyon Stones with all packs present to discuss Lyraithe’s “inappropriate” and “uncontrollable” behavior. They said that if he didn’t control his pack and demonstrate that he was an honorable leader, Lyraithe would be excommunicated from Sylvicor and that Barzilai was a threat that needed to be doused.

He was furious. How dare they act as if Aurorum and Noctalia had nothing to do with this? How dare they speak over the injustices Lyraithe was forced to endure? The Overlord, blinded in his rage, threatened the Seer, calling her a traitor to all wolves and that she had no interest in preserving the lives of others besides the Vessels. No, she only cared for the Deities. Diona, the Deities, and the packs were the real threat to Sylvicor.

But alas, Lyraithe was violently ran out of Sylvicor. A slaughter broke out amidst the peace talks, but no one knows who struck first. Barzilai barked orders for his wolves to evacuate while he and the Warmonger commanded the warriors. Lyraithe put up a good fight, but was easily outnumbered by the two packs. Barzilai had no choice but to retreat. Lyraithe barely escaped with their lives. He was heartbroken. His own parents forced him out of the territory, killed his packmates, and chose the words of a Seer over that of their own flesh and blood. He vowed then and there to survive, endure, and return.

Barzilai steeled himself, setting aside his torment and damaged pride to focus on keeping what remained of Lyraithe alive. His pack wandered as nomads with no permanent place to call their home. They were faced with the challenges of predators, constant food shortages, drought, sickness, and rogue wolves. But each encounter sharpened their skills, shaping them into cut-throat warriors and resourceful survivalists. It was during this time that Barzilai became mates with Grand Consort Adrasteia, who helped stabilize the pack during this precarious era.

4 years later, Overlord Barzilai decided that his pack was strong enough to face both Aurorum and Noctalia once more. They would reclaim not only their old territory, but all of Sylvicor for themselves. Aurorum, Noctalia, and Diona would die and the Vessels would become members of his pack. Barzilai fully intends to make sure that his parents’ packs feel the same hardship, loss, and humiliation that he and his pack did. He would also convert any Aurorum or Noctalia wolves who wished to join his cause.

He led Lyraithe to Sylvicor where they ambushed a portion of Aurorum territory, killing the patrols and garnering the attention of his estranged mother and her best warriors. Barzilai had waited years for this moment. Majeara was no longer a mother to him. His warriors attacked and Barzilai fought Empress Majeara. He violently ripped out her throat, killing the Empress before all of his pack and declaring this the initial act of war. He watched on as the Deity Lykeio moved from his mother to the Aurorum warrior, Cosima, who was allowed to live to deliver his message.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat.Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies.


Name Here relationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies.