(closed) adopt batch #1



1 year, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Offer


EDIT : auto buy added for each !! you can still offer art and stuff tho

anyways, these are all OTA [offer to adopt] but I will choose whatever I find suitable, and in one to two days ill put an autobuy for each
mostly based off of emojis I was sent by a friend lol

added AB

owners get transparent/separate file


1. strawberry baker - strawberries grow in hair and on tail, they smell like strawberries 🍓 (CLOSED--thank you!!)

2. bear popstar - funky lil' popstar who dreams of making it big 🌟 (CLOSED) AB :$20

3. butterfly caught in a web -more like they have a spider friend that likes to make webs on their wings 🦋 (CLOSED) AB: $17

4. killer orca - like, literally a killer orca. oh-and they have a heart container 🔪 (CLOSED--TYSM !!) AB : $20


art > paypal/cashapp >> characters/other
changing it cause I really want art//but auto buys are there :))

yes, you can do mixed offers ^^

you can comment or DM me <33 tysm for reading !! >v<))//