△ Mechanism



1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info





Held Item

Alliance Looplet (Neck)




Shift Gear, Fleur Cannon, Play Rough, Imprison

Alt. Moveset (Meltdown mode)

Ice Spinner, Zap Cannon, Stored Power, Eerie Impulse


Agender (It/Its)

Current Homeplace

Police Station, Vast Continent


Officer (Patrolmon/Executioner)


- Overview (+ Abilities) -

A Magearna that has a shining, noble texture, contrasting it’s hollow stare. It doesn’t emote in the slightest, but it was seen taking up the vigilante job despite not being a registered explorer. Was it built to protect?

Its heart is covered in ice, stationed in the middle of its chest and wide out for everyone to see. The protection it has in the broken doors place is instead a pile of diamond spikes sticking over it. The spikes can manifest all over its body if it feels threatened by contact, and they can be used as extra mobility in addition.

When in Meltdown mode (a mode unlocked by Mecha using an Awakening Emera or Empowerment Seed), instead of the Mechanism’s body being freezing, its body overheats and it gains a much bigger likening to its original colours. …It gains in size, as well. Looks like a juggernaut.

Loses all defensive and speedy perks for a brutal pair of flaming saws and an incredible boost in strength, the spikes around the heart melting and leaving the pumping clockwork organ much more ready for the taking. Careful! It’s hot.

It's quite the ruthless killing machine in the name of justice... but it responds well to praise and physical affection. Its eyes blink rapidly in response, and there appears to be a brief shine in its eyes; A warm memory.

Only brief. It shows no true loyalties. One such as it should not make friends, should not form bonds. It should only work.

- Background -

Mechanism was originally built in a far-off continent, now known by those in that area as the Crater Continent. It was created by royal engineer of unknown status Reniculus to help guard the citizens of their kingdom from the powered upferal monsters that had been plaguing them, so she made sure to make the Magearna passionate and empathetic for others. All of this manifested in the Mechanism’s Soul-Heart, the pilot of its body.

It loved the Pokemon of the small Continent more then anything, and was excellent in warding off ferals, but the locals were still panicked by the rising danger of the continent. It was at least content with giving them a little glimmer of hope, although their fearful emotions would overwhelm the heart of the Magearna.

There was no way they could’ve stopped everything from going awry. When opposing forces struck with too much strength to bear, the machine pushed itself to the limit, entering it’s Meltdown Mode for the very first time. Its roaring lightning scorched the lands for miles trying to defend itself and its people, but it only left the fallen remains of its allies in its place.

Grief-stricken, it cast itself into the frozen ocean below, debris from the overheating collecting together to encase the heart in a new shield. It’s unknown how long it took to wash up here, but given how the continent it came from has long since been taken over by only grass and rock, it’s assumed to be quite the long time.

- Extras -

  • Due to the long time in hibernation, its electricity are not nearly as powerful as it was before. Still enough to leave a bad shock, though.
  • It’s a very emotional being, albeit the emotions mainly being negative. It just… Has no way of expressing said emotion.
  • Was never given a voicebox. It communicates via etching into the ground.