Art for the character



1 year, 3 months ago


Art in exchange for a character!
status: closed

(But you can write regardless of the status if it concerns characters from the dream folder)

Maybe someone will be interested
Last time I could not follow the comments, so I decided to do it in the following way

1. When I reopen this promotion, I will notify that this character has been edited
2. After closing, I will clean and close comments
(I do this so as not to put you in an uncomfortable position if I decide to answer you in 100 years)

 ● I don't usually answer unless I'm hooked by the characters, but if you need to be notified, let me know
 ● You can contact dm

What can I draw for you
(examples below)

1. Custom design or reference
- I make several options for your idea, make changes if necessary and make a reference to the selected option (full height, chibi and some details, for example, a rear view or a portrait with emotion)
- I will need from you the archetype of the character and the required details  
2. Half body illustration (most resource intensive)
3. Full body illustration
4. Chibi

I seem to be getting picky over time.
Therefore, I prefer to draw any number of works for one character; for me, quality is more important than the number of characters. I will do 2, 4, 6 and maybe even 10 works for you depending on the type of character in which I am interested. However, you need to understand that there is a large amount of work that I am physically unable to do quickly.

I don't set specific deadlines, I can only say when I plan to start sketching, rendering and so on (you can remind me, but I have this to-do list and it is updated). At the moment I am trying to combine my studies at the university, earnings and everything else, I think that many people know what it is and we are not in a hurry  

What am I looking for

 ● My design preferences
 ● My dreamies (can be used as an example of what I like)
 ● In a rare case, I'm interested in custom (maybe for closed species)

 ● I will exchange MYO + art\custom (not for MYO) for a ready-made design of the same species
A have
1. Dainties x1
2. Scarfox x1 (There are 2 design sketches, but there are no items to confirm the design. I can also send them)
3. Orki x2

What am I looking for at the moment!

● High-quality designs of people (anime style)
● Dainties (premade)

(This is not a limitation, just a preference at the moment. You can offer everything that was described above as well)

What do I need from you

 ● You can suggest a specific character, you can suggest an album
 ● What would you like to receive from me and how much
