Fever Dream (Sona)



1 year, 4 months ago


  • Name: Fever Dream
  • Gender: Agender
  • Pronouns: They / It
  • Age: 22
  • Birthday: 19-09
  • Sexuality: Panromantic - Asexual

  • Personality: Quiet at first, loud and obnoxious when you get to know them. A little anxious but also very laid-back.

  • Likes: Music, Swing, Jazz, Tap-dance, Museums, Horror & Creepy stuff! Chaotic music?
  • Dislikes: Tends to avoid large crowds, mostly sits on the side of events. Making decisions. 

  • Species: ???
  • Height: 172 cm (5'8) (180 with heels)
  • Eyes: All three eyes have black sclera, white irises and red pupils.
  • Hair: Short black and white slicked back hair. (The streaks in the hair can vary).
  • Fur: Black and white with a single red dot.
  • Tail: Long hairy tail in black and white streaks. (The streaks can vary).
  • Markings: Black-eye shaped marking on their chest. Lines originating from said eye that continue over it's body. Black fingers with an eye shape marking on the inside of its hand. The top of their nose is black along with two lines that go from their mouth along their lower jaw, it also has a black marking on the top that looks like black lipstick. It also has two black lines under its eyes and a couple of streaks under its third eye. The inside of their ears is also covered in black stripes.
  • Wardrobe: Their wardrobe varies, it mostly wears dark alternative clothing (Will Wood/The correspondents vibes) but also loves the 1920's style and will find ways to incorporate that into the fit. They tend to wear shades most of the time.