


6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




late 20s to early 30s






accidentally 'engaged' ???


"There is not always a good guy. Nor is there always a bad one. Most people are somewhere in between."


Guruko is the Chieftain of IronHide Clan
Became the chief of his clan at the age of 15 when his parents (former chief and wife) in the fire that burned down the stronghold (rival clan)
He tried to save his parents but the flames were to strong, other orcs had to pull him out but not before his right foot got severely burned.
Since then his two dyed braids serve as memory of his parents.

Once he became the official chief he moved the clan to a new territory and formed an alliance with two nearby kingdoms
Guruko's clan is famous for their steal and leather work and often trades with said kingdoms.

Growing up he learned to fight with his fathers giant spear, crafted by his mother as a courtship gift, which he know uses as his main weapon.
His fathers best friend, Z’Maur, often gives him council when he is unsure

During one rather harsh winter that came early his people were struggling until he met a huntress who saved one of his clan members,
when the hunter brought the orc home Guruko asked for a favor, for her to help them gather more food and in return she could stay with them instead of the forest during the cruel winter. Agreeing she became part resident of clan IronHide.

Growing closer to the clan and Guruko they began to company each other around from doing chores, hunting or relaxing.
Guruko grew a soft spot for the huntress and thus showed her his favorite spot, a hill filled with wild flower, taking in the sun he fell asleep beside her.
The huntress was messing around putting flowers in his hair and beard, when she gave him a small braid with a small purple bead.
upon waking up from his clansmen shouting for his assistance he made his way down to them leaving the huntress to her own plans.
Confused from the chatter and chuckles from his clansmen, his advisor showed him his reflection from a shield. Once he realized the flowers and added braid, he confused the girls 'gifts' a a sign for courtship. Thus began his attempts to woo her.
