🦉Orym Wynris🦉



1 year, 3 months ago


My elf necromancer wizard character from my first ever campaign!

Playlist: here

Original character premise:

Orym Wynris grew up in the Elvish Illumise Kingdom, his parents being well known in the Kingdom and part of the royal court. He and his sister Renna lived sheltered and comfortable lives, Orym being rather gifted with magic from a young age and Renna being wise beyond her years. Decades before the two reached adulthood, their parents were diagnosed one after the other with burnout, a highly fatal genetic disorder that was quite common among elvish nobility and had no cure in sight. After they passed only years later, some relatives took Orym and Renna in. Seven-decade-old Orym had to essentially finish raising his younger sister while simultaneously juggling his highly demanding wizarding studies. If that wasn’t enough, the loss of his parents hit him hard, causing him to obsessively delve into researching anything and everything about burnout on the side in his spare time, scouring the available scientific and medical knowledge as well as magical. This continued into adulthood, and eventually he realized one field of study that hadn’t already been exhausted to find a cure: necromancy. Seeing an opportunity, he began researching with a renewed fervor, determined to make his parents proud and finally find a solution to what had been plaguing elfkind for centuries. He graduated wizarding school and began attending medical school, using his combined knowledge of both curriculums in an attempt to weave them together and create something new.

Five decades later, Orym is closer than ever to finding a cure to the disease that claimed his parents and continues to hover over his own head as well as his sister’s. He works on the side as a doctor in Illumise, but for many years prior he traveled the continent in search of more information for his studies. In his travels he met lots of interesting people, some more helpful to him than others. In his free time he spends time with his romantic partner Silvyr, another elf from Illumise who joined him on his cross-continent travels. Orym still has an interest in necromancy, and as the state of the continent declined and revolutions occurred, he began studying the more practical aspects of it as well, though no good opportunity has arisen to put this to use.

He finds himself unsurprised when a certain bard makes contact with a most interesting request... and maybe, just maybe, he found his opportunity.

Campaign arc:

Orym began as a self-centered, quiet, bookish wizard who had an interest in Necromancy. Coming from the Elvish capital from a branch of the royal family, he thought himself higher than most around him, according to how much intellectual knowledge, money, and fame they had. Thanks to the promise of more information about Burnout, the disease that killed his parents and other elvish nobility for years, he was recruited by Olivert, a famous bard. He joined a party of adventurers along with Kabuki (the samauri with an unexplainable connection to another universe), Lark (the rogue-turned-paladin for the Goddess of Change), and Creed (the sweet-talking bard with a connection to spirits and the dead). After some time, it was revealed that Olivert was a part of a mysterious organization called Apophis, who was secretly campaigning for major change in the world as they knew it. The party became known as Enforcer number 4, also known as the Withering Rose. Together they scoured the continent on missions for Apophis to find powerful artifects, go undercover in enemy nations, and more. Throughout their adventures, they grew closer and learned occasional tidbits about the mysterious group they were working for. Kabuki and Orym found a golden dragon egg in the Tower of Ultimate Wizardry (long story), and co-parented a dragon they named Ryu.

As their journey reached its peak, they learned that Apophis' mission was much deeper than they ever had anticipated. The heads of the organization planned to get rid of magic once and for all because of the pain and hierarchy it caused between magic users and non-magical folk. The four party members were given a choice: to continue working with them to accomplish their goal, or to return to their previous lives and have all memories of Apophis wiped. This is where the four split up. Kabuki made a deal with them for him and Ryu to be sent to where he had always longed to go, a land not of this universe that had plagued his dreams for years. He became a warrior of legend, and centuries later Ryu is still said to guard his sword on a mountain in Japan. Lark chose to continue working for Apophis, even though their goals are not the same, their wishes are similar. He truly thinks that magic is not the problem, evil itself is. Creed decided to go back to his previous life of traveling and performing and sharing his songs, as his goal in life was ultimately to bring people together.

Ultimately, Orym decided to continue working for Apophis. Over his time adventuring, he realized the disparities between different classes and races, and he no longer agreed with how the Elvish looked down on non-magic users. He also wanted to remain aware of what was about to happen as it would affect him majorly, regardless of what side he chose. Apophis was about to solve the one thing he had been striving to for years, conidering that Burnout was the result of a centuries-old Elvish king's actions, which cursed the rest of the bloodline to pass on a magical disease. His people would no longer suffer through Burnout, which had wiped out a lot of Elvish royalty including much of his family. He also wanted his name to be remembered, regardless of the reasoning or reputation he attained.

Orym's story continues as he learns much from the leaders of Apophis, along with Lark. He becomes more and more knowledgable, and eventually they succeed in destroying all magic. But what happens after that is for another time.