
Pronouns: He/Him (Transgender man)

Age: 27

Sexuality: Gay

Occupation: Barista and camboy on the side for extra income

Known Relatives: Pacifica O'Hare (sister)

Abilities/equipment: He is just a normal ass dude. he has zero fighting experience of any kind. pls don't ask him to punch someone, he'll cry.

Origins/History/Personality: Levi is from a poor family, who couldn't afford much when he was little. his family tried to raise him well regardless, but when he was old enough he left as soon as he could, moving to a little apartment in St Canard, staying in his childhood city. He became a camboy in between jobs, to keep himself afloat/pay for the rent. What he didn't expect was to enjoy it as much as he does, even with a stable income and career he still does it.

That is when he meets Claude, who makes all his clothing for streams, and they hit it off quickly. Suddenly, Levi is thrown into the world of the elite and wealthy. He's still very out of his element, weirded out by all the odd practices and constant drama that seem to constantly occur in the rich world, but he learns to adapt and blend in with them, how to laugh in all the right ways, swirl wine glasses and trying not to smell poor.

As far as personality goes, he's a soft spoken and timid rabbit, with anxiety issues up the wazoo. If he found hair in his food at a restaurant he'd tell a waiter that it's okay, he actually likes hair in his food! Put a whole toupee on it! He doesn't want to cause any issues ever. He's very fashionable, and loves dressing up whenever he can, which is often, considering his boyfriend is a tailor. Levi also loves being spoiled absolutely rotten.