


1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Carlos "River" Rivera
Age: 27
Ethnicity: Mexican-American
Sexuality: Straight
Hobbies: Playing guitar, Singing, Fishing

Carlos was born in the Southwestern United States. His family has lived in the US since Teaxas become a state in 1845, ever since his family moved around the region. His family never stayed in one place too long, which made it difficult for him to maintain friendships. He grew up in a bilingual household thus is fluent in English and Spanish. After High School, he decided to travel around the US on his own. Whenever he needed money he would do odd jobs such as a handy man or even play his guitar for passerbys on the street. His guitar is a family hierloom, it was handmade by his grandfather.

He first in countered The Tribe in the Appalaichian Mountains, where he they invited him to stay at their campsite. Carlos didn't officially join the band of roaming hippies until their third meeting. Though he always had difficulty making friends, he found it easy to connect with this new group.

Carlos is especially close to Rosemary and loves going out of his way to make her smile. As Carlos is the youngest of his family he sees Rosemary as the younger sister he never had. He enjoys cooking for her and teaching her Spanish.