Catnip / Wolfgang



1 year, 2 months ago



Wolfgang Morningstar, or simply 'Catnip' as nickname, is a kind hearted person who loves animals, especially cats, more than anything. Being very intelligent, Catnip works with their own devices that they create and plan to use for good and justice in the future. They have been into the invention of new devices since they were a teen and have always been in tune with their studies, being a straight A student at school, but feeling outscated and often being bullied due to their focus on homework more than friendships.

Wolfgang didn't have the best parents, being neglected by them since they were a child. Due to this, their social skills aren't the best, as they weren't taught much and had to learn a lot they know now by themselves. Despite this, Catnip is trying to be a veterinary, aiming to be able to save the creatures that always returned their love: animals. Specifically, Catnip wants to dedicate their life to saving especially felines and domestic cats, being their favorite animal.

Their love for cats led them to working part time at a cat cafe for a while, being able to adopt two of the cats that were most attached to him. Later on, he got another cat which he rescued and nursed back to health. All of them are named after fruits: Strawberry, Mango and Banana. They prefer the company of animals than humans.

Personality wise, Wolfgang can be closed off and shy when you first meet them. However, Catnip isn't afraid to point out if something bugs them. They can have a sharp tongue and have learned this from the years of being outscasted at school and even at home, learning to voice their opinions loud and clear so people leave them alone.

In fact, Wolfgang didn't have many friends up till they met Ricardo. Which was a very unlikely relationship, as they have very opposing personalities in a way and even completely opposite living styles. While Wolfgang is just trying to get by with what they can in a simple apartment, they start to become closer to this rich man who proves himself to be kind hearted and romantic, in his own ways.