


6 years, 2 months ago


“We watched overwatch die. 

After everything they had done for us, they were cast aside. But no more.

The world needs these hero’s. I’ll make sure they come back.”


Young, hopeful and idealistic, Lydia spent her entire life watching her mother work with the greatest hero’s of her day. That was, at least, until Overwatch was shut down. But they weren’t gone. She knew they weren’t gone. Every day. She still heard stories about those hero’s. And every day, it encouraged her to work harder, in faith they would one day return. Her political endeavors helped pave a pathway for Overwatch’s eventual return, doing what she could to silently defend the remaining hero’s, and was more than prepared to defend them and their return, no matter the consequences. 

- Has had one or two chats with previous Overwatch Leaders. Morrison thinks shes too idealistic, but Ana has faith in what shes doing

- She was responsible for calling Kane back into action, despite his hesitation

- Has met Verena once, after the latter rescued Lydia during a botched assassination attempt

- not a hero but develops helpful tech on the side; shes a certifiable genius even if she can be a bit naive

- Ramattra ship don't look at me

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