Arlo Sundae



1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Arlo Sundae

Species: Mydaus javanensis (Sunda stink badger)

Age: About 20 something 

Background: Arlo is Axl's "appointed medical expert" by Mr. Martenelli. Arlo absolutely crumples under stress, which is bad, because he's regularly exposed to Axl, AND he's supposed to be able to combat Axl's condition. But, there's also a good chance he's not a legitimate scientist or doctor either. This is only blatantly obvious to Axl, who could care less if Arlo actually knew what he was doing. Axl also kind of enjoys picking on him, which doesn't help. Despite having no real credentials, Arlo has some medical knowledge, and it's likely he got this position through a miscommunication.

Arlo would love nothing more than an ounce of appreciation, but, alas, that's something he's concluded Axl isn't capable of in his current state. 

Likes: Compliments, getting to talk about things he likes, and quiet. 

Dislikes: Compliments (he doesn't know how to handle that sometimes), being looked at, being yelled at, Axl, and his job.