
1 year, 3 months ago




 Faust Yvaine








 Professional Gambler


Tsukasa Kiryu























Faust is a mysterious woman, living between shadows and spotlight. She is called by many names, more than she can even count, though none belong to her. Every time she catches a glimpse of her reflection a different person stares back at her. The woman she used to be is long gone, nothing more than a distant memory. 

Faust is observant and self-sufficient; she has few friends, and many enemies. She wears her charismatic and generous facade with ease, taking advantage of whatever trust is afforded to her. Faust is not afraid to double-cross anyone unlucky enough to become her target. She enjoys winning almost as much as she enjoys the thrill of the game, and she will do anything to achieve her goals, even if it means playing unfair. 

Faust spends her days wandering and watching, and her nights drifting through casinos and shady underground clubs. She sticks close to big cities, even though she finds them quite unappealing. She enjoys people-watching, as well as keeping tabs on old and new friends alike. 


  • sunglasses can be drawn on or off
  • they tried to put me on the cover of vogue but my legs were toooooooooooooooo long 
  • when she uses her ability it looks like this. she uses sunglasses to hide it when she’s around other people (only appears over one eye) 
  • hair is in a messy ponytail 
  • 5'11



Despite the mystery surrounding Faust, she has never gone to great lengths to hide her background. Part of this is due to her knowing next to nothing about the family she was cast out of. At a young age, she was passed over to her uncle. He wasn’t really her uncle— He was a close family friend, apparently, but she didn’t know about this until she was much older. She doesn’t remember her parents’ faces, her siblings, or the house she resided in for those short few years. Even now, as someone who has no problem keeping tabs on people, she still hasn’t located them. Her uncle refused to tell her anything during her childhood and her teen years.


When Faust was in her early teen years, she was fairly superstitious. She knew almost nothing about deities or religion, aside from the controversial nature of the topic. There wasn’t a specific deity she followed, but regardless she would silently pray that her stroke of bad luck would disappear. Her aunt and uncle were involved in shady business, which left them with little money and unstable lives. She casually investigated this in her free time, but they hid the truth well, and she respected them too much to dig any deeper. A deity eventually heard her prayers, offering her an opportunity to make a contract. Faust, hesitantly, agreed. This gave her the ability she uses to this day.


Faust started gambling when she was young, sometime after she received her gift from the luck deity. Her uncle taught her how to play poker, as well as a myriad of other card games, and she had a knack for it. She moved out of her aunt and uncle’s home to fend for herself once she realized that gambling could be a steady source of income. She had the ability to make money now. So much money. She also used this ability to steal cards, licenses, and other valuable personal information and swelling. By the time she started doing this, she didn’t really need the money, but it was an easy way to make quick cash when she needed to.


The 'friendship' between Gabriel and Faust had been turbulent from the start, to say the least. In truth, it was nothing more than a casual business partnership; he had connections, and she had cash. Gabriel was far from reliable, but he always delivered on his promises. He was aloof, disappearing for weeks or months without a single word, but he always came crawling back when he had managed to empty his pockets. Sometimes it bothered Faust, but she had grown to accept it. Their mutual partnership lasted for a few months almost, severed when Gabriel disappeared for good. Faust shrugged it off, almost entirely unbothered. It was a loss, of course. The thought of losing all those valuable connections was painful, but she had been expecting this for a long time. She held little resentment towards Gabriel, though he still plagued her mind from time to time. He deeply intrigued her— most people who crossed paths with her would meet her again, but Gabriel was elusive enough to avoid her watchful gaze. It baffled her, and amused her at the same time. Maybe one day she would win this little game of hide and seek. 

Faust and Kira had never spoken. Their interactions never escaped the realm of fleeting glances and occasional shoulder brushes. Kira was silent and watchful, never stepping too far away from Gabriel. She was always two steps behind him, her gaze fixed anywhere but him or Faust. Gabriel never outright said who she was or why she seemed to follow him around like a dog, but Faust had her suspicions. Suspicions that were confirmed rather quickly. Kira was an infamous assassin, one that was particularly prevalent in the wealthy part of town. Despite her ever changing appearance, the reputation she had built followed her everywhere. Faust wondered why Gabriel needed such a skilled assassin and why she seemed so docile in his presence. What was their story? To her dismay, those burning questions would remain tucked into the back of her mind, as Gabriel seemed particularly uninterested in letting her in on whatever secrets the two shared. After the two disappeared, Faust was easily able to keep tabs on Kira. Whenever she found herself in that forsaken city she would keep an eye out for the woman, loosely tracing her steps in hopes of locating Gabriel, though every time she was led to a dead end.  

Lillian Brooks. The infamous, and ever so generous, founder of the Brooks Law Firm. It seemed as though everyone knew who she was. Rumors flooded into every conversation that so much as contained a single mention of her. Sometimes it seemed as if she were a celebrity. But she truly was nothing more than an unusually successful businesswoman. One who happened to get lucky. There was no proof to suggest her practices and boundless wealth were acquired through unlawful means. In the eyes of the law, she was entirely innocent. The public, however, couldn’t seem to decide where her morals lie. The public was constantly divided when Lillian’s name was brought up— the rumors made for good conversation, but her contributions to various beloved businesses and organizations could not be ignored. Her polarizing reputation was fascinating to Faust, especially since Gabriel seemed to have a particular dislike for her. He really tried his best to hide it, and he did a damn good job, but Faust was far from an ordinary eavesdropper. She was never able to catch onto enough information to develop an interest in their history, despite her fascination with Lillian. She chalked their mysterious feud up to  the negative effects of Gabriel’s unprofessionalism catching up to him, though she never truly bought into that haphazard explanation. 



  • warm weather 
  • card games 
  • fashion
  • evenings 


  • cold weather 
  • cities 
  • losing 


  • faust has a habit of fidgeting while she’s focusing or talking. she often keeps little trinkets or coins in her pockets. 
  • her lucky card is the 8 of spades. 
  • faust possesses a supernatural ability that she gained after accidentally performing a ritual that attracted the attention of a luck deity. when she uses this ability, her odds are unnaturally high, giving her an unfair advantage.


 Magdalena Bay
 Gwen Stefani
 Magdalena Bay 
 Music Artist 

code by icecreampizzeria