


1 year, 2 months ago



→ also known as "keyboart" or "key"!
adult toon, she/her, 
bi (crush on / dating deep diver) girl(?),
medium toon height (long body, medium legs), gray bear toon.

  likes; whole fruit pies, saving buildings, glaciers
  dislikes; confusing cog tech, tightwads, playing unfairly

❒ birthday? : december 14th (keyboard's name was accepted by clash's toon council!)
❒ voiceclaim? : grace from infinity train

personality ;
keyboard is kind and encouraging - however, she doesn't like to take the reigns vocally. lining up with how i play her on ttcc, keyboard doesn't like to talk organically: she uses the handy speedchat, using her manners to say "thanks!" or "that was fun!" instead of gg, and clapping for a juggling or dance toon-up. pacifistic by heart so much that she's been given a halo, keyboard's running gag is to be a saint! she goes out of her way to help people and she doesn't like intense gags like lightning strike or all of the drop gags...
but now she’s fine with violence!her inherent good samaritan attitude doesn't extend much to cogs! she's a lover of throw gag to deal with the business robot takeover, one insanely tall 6 story at a time. she’s quite impressionable too, climbing gag tracks not because she wants to, but due to seeing toons with higher ones and wanting to take those for a spin!

as a toon, she is also a trope of "the butt of the joke" with all her goody-two-shoes personality. keyboard could convince two toons not to fight each other, but work together, and those toons could make a truce to throw a pie in her face - or she could try to throw away a banana peel as an act of anti-littering and so no toon could slip and fall, just for her to walk directly onto another peel she didn't even see.

keyboard is also a lover of fashion and computers, though is far from an expert in either. in fact, her love of fashion makes her frequently change outfits from fight to fight with cogs. you gotta look fresh!

key connections ;
wip !

prior to corporate clash ;
( this is not written to my liking yet so also a wip )
keyboard comes from a community of toons outside of toontown with names ending in “-board”. it's not a blood related family per say (and not only bear toons, there's all sorts of toons!) - imagine the dynamic of smurfs or carebears. there’s one “cousin” she has that’s  name is just “bored” and nobody likes them. the “-board” community  usually has their name relate to their character traits or interests - keyboard slightly follows the suggestion since she does love computer games quite a bit.

again, she's very pacifistic - before coming to toontown. before that, she didn't like gags that would actually hur  people in real life, despite the toon logic she lives in and no one would actually die. keyboard only liked throw, lure, and the level 1-2  gags of a track, but now she likes all of them because she realized how funny an airstrike is!
like others, keyboard came to toontown because  of the cog invasion – she assumed there would be a non-lethal way to deal with the cogs and talk with them. this didn't happen and her snapping point was accidentally walking into daffodil gardens as a low-laff toon, running into a particularly rude tightwad and connoisseur. she was made sad and sent back to the playground. after such a humiliating encounter, this is why she's fine with violence now.

she's shipped with the deep diver, mary anna! she became enamored with deep diver after actually getting her ass beat by him. she returned back to the playground, but not sad (she teleported away from battle) more flabbergasted by how tall he was, her voice, and his strength. she goes back to barnacle boatyard frequently to wave and say hi. eventually keyboard befriends mary, then they both fell silently.

trivia ;
( this is not written to my liking yet so also a wip )
- ooc reason as why keyboard is named that was because my  friend group started out having our club name have office supply names  and i didn’t want to rename myself.
- she spends most of her downtime in barnacle boatyard or the brrrgh.
- her signature color is blue! anything blue you got, she’d take!
- a good amount of the “-board” toons are outside contractors that built the toon estate houses in toontown.
- although in the game the glasses are over her eyes, keyboard should be mainly drawn with them resting on her forehead.
-  her halo does in fact glow in the dark and can be taken off! the halo  is purely cosmetic, helps her convey her emotions due to a more  unreadable face, and for comedic purposes. in fact, she can take it off  whenever she pleases, but usually doesn’t unless she forgot about it or  an outfit calls for a new hat (code for if i don't draw her with her  halo, forgot).