Lunar's Comments

Hi!!! I can ab it for DA points!!!

okay! :D you can send them here:

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Anyone from Beetles_and_Moss or HoneyMoth_Creations ??

I might be able to do the ab if you can hold till the first 😭😭

i can hold them for you! :D ill set them to pending

Oh thank you so much!! Could you check in with me on the first just to remind me? I don't want to forget 😭

(Also if someone is interested in the ab and they can get it before me go ahead and take that <33)

checking in! ^^

if you're ready you can send the points here:

Ah shoot not yet I'm sorry!! Probably just like two more days, my parents got in a huge fight so it'll take another day or two before I can buy em /3

that's alright, i don't mind!! :0

also i hope you're doing okay, i know that kind of stuff all too well ;;

5 Replies