Matt (Matthew) McAllister



1 year, 2 months ago



Pass Blunts not Judgements

Matt is a sweet and gentle stoner who always has a laid-back demeanor. He is the type of person who is always in a good mood and never seems to be stressed out. Despite being stoned most of the time, he works hard and does his best to be helpful to his coworkers and family. However, his slow reaction time and forgetfulness can sometimes make him seem unreliable.

One of Matt's strongest traits is his ability to listen. He is always willing to lend an ear to anyone who needs it and is genuinely interested in what they have to say. However, he often struggles to retain the information that is shared with him due to his hazy state of mind.

Matt's personality can be best described as that of a sloth. He moves at a slow and deliberate pace and is never in a hurry to get things done. He enjoys taking his time and savoring the moment, which can be both a blessing and a curse.

Despite his stoner tendencies and sloth-like personality, Matt is well-liked by his coworkers and friends. His easy-going nature and kind heart make him a joy to be around, and he always manages to put a smile on people's faces.


Full Name Matt (Matthew) McAllister
Age 20
Gender Male
Nationality American
Birthday Feb 1st
Height 5'9"
Orientation Bi but he doesn't know it yet
Occupation Manual Worker / Unemployed
Fashion Pinterest Board

  • Smoking Weed
  • Video Games
  • Parties, gatherings, etc

  • Being Sober
  • Travelling
  • Reading


  • Rolls joints perfectly every time.
  • Drives a very old car that barely runs but he has decked it out with expensive rims and a stereosystem.
  • Obviously he's not very good with money.

Design Notes

  • Half lidded gaze always
  • He puts his hair up in a ponytail and cuts it off himself, so always a blunt end to it, kinda uneven
  • Baggy sweaters to keep him cozy all year long.
  • Light freckles over cheeks

Music Box