


1 year, 2 months ago


Swindler is our, uh... our sav...iour...? He's a man and black and we did technically manage to survive, so... I guess he did his job

Story writer: As a child, Swindler was addicted to reading. He would spend all day with his nose in a book. When budget cuts forced the local library to close, Swindler was distraught. He decided to fill the gap by writing his own stories instead
Hermit: Worn out by the pressures of social interaction, Swindler left his crowded city to live a simple life in the wilderness. There, he spent his days alone, tending to his garden and crafting the simple tools he needed to survive

Ascetic: Swindler has forsaken physical comforts and enjoyments in favor of a simple, pure lifestyle. He will become unhappy if he has a bedroom that's too impressive. He also dislikes fancy food and prefers to eat raw. He never judges others by their appearance
Bloodlust: Swindler gets a rush from hurting people and never minds the sight of blood or death. He is four times more likely to start a social fight as others
Wimp: Swindler is weak and cowardly. Even a little pain will immobilize him
Asexual: Swindler is uninterested in romantic entanglements