Stormheart Alpha



"Listen to your heart, for if you are lost and don't know the way, it will guide you back on track."

Title: "The Elemental Warrior"

Programmed Gender and Pronouns: Readily identifies as Female and uses she/her
Programmed Age: 18-24
Creation day: November 3rd, 20XX
Awakening day: March 25th, 210X
Affiliation: Maverick Hunters, Formerly of the Sunrise Warriors
MBTI and enneagram: ENFJ-A 2w3
ENG-Chun-Li (Voiced by Laura Bailey)
JPN- Nicole Waterson (Voiced by Mai Yamane)
Social- Sorta Blue (Peter Gunn OST, composed by Henry Mancini)
Battle- Gym Leader(Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, remixed by KokiRemix)
Training- Theme of Ryu (Marvel Super Heroes vs Street fighter OST)
Reflective- Living Mice (Minecraft OST, composed by C418)
Intro Stage- Shift Circuit Stage (Gravity Circuit OST, composed by Dominic Ninmark)

Alpha is the Director of the 24th Rescue Unit of the Maverick Hunters. She was originally raised by a spiritual community of Reploids and Humans known as the Sunrise Warriors. After losing her family to the Mavericks, she was rescued by two members of a first response agency known as the Maverick Hunters. Because of her gratitude towards Maverick Hunters, X and Zero, for saving her life, she decides to become a Maverick Hunter herself. Her training was overseen by Zero, who she viewed as an older brother.

She is currently a well-respected Maverick Hunter whose main focus is in Rescue but also excels in Investigations and Espionage. However, despite her achievements, there is still something in her past that is troubling her.

Upon first impressions, Alpha comes across as a polite and cordial person. She tends to treat most people she comes across with respect, even opponents. Diligent and hardworking, she understands there’s a time and place to go wild and a time and place to be busy. She is a bit of a curious and adventurous tomboy who enjoys thinking outside of the box. With a strong heart, she is known to have an especially strong sense of altruism and is known to be selfless and kind. Another virtue she prides herself in is her patience. She is rather pacifistic and would fight only if she sees no other option. She is rather stubborn, which could get her in trouble, whether it is biting off more than she can chew or causing frustration among her teammates. Persistence however ensures that once her mind is set on something, she will see that thing through. Overall, Alpha has been described as the moral compass of friend groups she has been in.


Height- 6'1"
Weight- 165 lbs
Build- Alpha has a muscular, androgynous form. She is flat-chested and has pronounced hips. She is also modeled after a Maine coon cat.
Optics- They are blue. They enable her to see in the dark and also grant her underwater and night vision. Her left eye is slightly damaged from an irreparable injury from her youth. Otherwise, her vision could be considered as sharp as a large cat's vision such as a lynx or a cougar.
Audio Receptors- They are jet black and are tufted like a Maine coon cat. She has an extended hearing range meaning she can hear things from a farther distance from other reploids and can hear at a wider frequency range but also makes her more susceptible to loud noises, which can disorient her.
Tail- Her tail is incredibly soft and fluffy.
Material- Titanium Alloy
Variable Armor System- This operates similarly to X's variable weapons system. Much like how X's Variable Weapons Systems changes X's arm cannon to accommodate for the weapon he uses, Alpha's Variable Armor System changes Alpha's armor composition to accommodate for the element she uses.
Voice changer- A simple voice changer that has been installed in her voice module. This enables her to adjust her voice to fit certain situations.


Sunrise Staff- A basic bo-staff Alpha uses. This is her most commonly used weapon.
Taiko Slammer- A hammer modeled after a Taiko drum. She often uses this in conjunction with earth attacks
Medkit- Often used to help repair or heal teammates or people she rescues.
Dragon Armor- Alpha has a set of armor modeled after an eastern weather dragon. She loses her ability to control earth and fire, but her ability over water, wind, and electricity is greatly improved. Most of her water attacks are powered by water that is collected and stored in tanks in her back, tail, gauntlets, and boots.


Alpha is an elemental aura wielder, meaning she can control water, earth, fire, and air utilizing bending. She can use the elements for projectiles, infuse them into her attacks, or even use them for utility purposes. Here are her capabilities and techniques

Water- She is essentially able to move water about. Her maximum capacity of control is around the same as a keg of beer. She could control streams of water.

  • Splashdown: This is a typical water-bending attack. She can bend about a keg’s worth at a time.
  • Blade Arm (ice): One of her arms becomes encased in ice. To an extent, she can also turn her tail into a blade using ice. She can make quick slashes with this blade which is about as sharp as a katana. (Note: Ice is treated the same way as water as it is essentially water in solid form. Ice weaknesses and strengths are the same as water.)
  • Storm Creation: By creating a storm, she causes the immediate environment to either rain or snow. It takes longer to create a storm from scratch. It takes less time if she is adding on to a cumulonimbus cloud.

Earth: Having control over earth means she can bend earth around, from shifting stones to lifting. Her limit is about 250 lbs of earth at a time.

  • Orbital Stone Barrier: She slams the ground allowing stones to form and orbit around her, similar to a barrier-type weapon. She can also launch the barrier at an opponent and crush them with stones, similar to Magna Centipede’s Magnet Mine.
  • Quake: She slams an arm or a foot to the ground to cause the ground to shake. People within a 10 feet radius would be able to feel it.
  • Blade Arm (earth): Just like the ice variant, but the damage is higher, attack speed is slower, using the blade too long can hurt her, and she can’t make a tail blade.
  • Chikkyou no Daruma: Alpha creates a pillar of stone discs and strikes the disks in a manner akin to the Daruma Otoshi toy.

Fire: She is essentially able to control fire.

  • Fireball: She is able to throw a fireball
  • Self-Ignition: She is able to set herself on fire reaching temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. She would only use this as an escape tactic. She can also set certain parts of her body on fire to add more kick to her physical strikes.
  • Surge: It is essentially the same as Fireball except with electricity instead of fire. The surge also travels straight rather than bounces. (Note: Electricity is generally treated as a subclass of fire, so strengths and weaknesses will be the same as fire’s.)

Air: She is essentially able to control air currents

  • Flight: She can fly with velocities and the agility of an eagle.
  • Gust: She sends a gust of air at a target. Currently, she is able to throw gusts with enough force to push a double-decker bus
  • Twister Rider: Alpha creates a tornado and can ride it, reaching speeds comparable to a cheetah. She can also use the twister to drag things towards her.



She is a very resourceful fighter and often thinks of creative tactics to keep her opponents on their toes. To add to that, she has a variety of attacks she can work with to maintain her most important element: surprise.
Her agility and reflexes could be compared to a ninja’s. This means she has excellent reflexes and can perform many acts of acrobatics with proficiency.
She is at her strongest when she is at her calmest and can remain calm even in stressful situations.
Depending on the element she is using, she would have elemental resistances.

  • Water: less from fire and earth
  • Earth: less from air, electrical and fire.
  • Fire: less from air.
  • Air: less from water.

She is climate resistant, meaning she can handle earthly temperature extremes, from scorching deserts to freezing tundras. (Note: This means climates found on Earth. Venus and Pluto are different stories.)
She has some proficiency in redirecting attacks, but only if they are elemental.
She is a bit of an escape artist and often manages to slip out of tight situations. (Not always, there will always be an opponent that will outsmart her.)
She excels in CQC, with most of her techniques being derived from Taekwondo and Jiu-jitsu


Her focus is on variety, therefore her attacks would not be as strong as those of a specialist. For example, one of her fireballs would not cause as much damage as a specialist’s fireball.
In order to do serious damage, she must rely on finding a weakpoint
Her aura is limited, meaning she must let her aura replenish before using aura or elemental attacks. Her powers are an extension of herself, so it would be treated as an extra limb. Overuse a limb and the limb tires, the same goes for her aura.
She can only use one element at a time. For example, she would not be able to throw fireballs while flying or would only be able to use water or earth if met with a source of mud.
In order to use water or earth, there must be a source. Water can come from the air, but it would be problematic trying to earth bend inside a building made of wood.
In addition, she cannot instantaneously switch from one element to another. She can’t be flying one moment and the next instant cause an earthquake. This is because the armor variable system takes time to change the metal composition.
With different resistances come different weaknesses. Depending on the element she is using, she may take more damage from different attack types.

  • Water: Air and lightning cause more damage.
  • Earth: Water and explosives cause more damage
  • Fire: Water and earth cause more damage.
  • Air: Earth and electricity cause more damage.

Alpha enjoys taking walks in natural areas. She feels at home while in forests and often hangs out with an animal friend. She especially loves birds She has a soft spot for anything cute such as plushies or animals. In order to keep her mind sharp, she partakes in puzzles and riddles. Tea makes up a majority of the liquids she drinks and often practices tea ceremony as a means of stress relief. Another thing she does for stress relief is meditating, which she does to keep her mind calm. Tea isn’t the only thing she prepares, however; she also likes to cook all kinds of foods. Typically she makes cuisines of Asia but you might see her preparing gyros or tacos. Moments spent with her friends are moments to be cherished. She has a bit of a fascination with fashion and could sometimes be seen wearing different outfits. This often helps her excel in infiltration and investigation missions. She is a fan of poetry and often listens to the music of traditional Japanese and jazz genres. Another activity that takes up much of her free time is physical training, whether at the gym or in a martial arts school. Despite her being a third-degree blackbelt in mixed martial arts, she merely sees it as the beginning of a new chapter of learning.

She absolutely cannot stand drama and quarrels between her friends and allies. Drama is a big no-no, especially if she’s being dragged into it and if she is friends with both sides. She will be willing to listen to one’s side of a story but refuses to be a white knight for anyone. Obnoxious noises are also rather bothersome to her. If on the battlefield she will deal with it but will tell someone off for being loud. The feeling of helplessness is a feeling she’d rather not face. She dislikes people that think they are better than others. The best way to get her gears grinding is to litter or commit animal abuse. Because of her love for nature, seeing natural areas being polluted and witnessing animal abuse makes her tick.

Miscellaneous Info:

Some of the inspirations behind Alpha come from Metal Gear, Avatar, and Warrior Cats.
In her original storyline, she actually ends up getting with Maverick Hunter X and raises a family with him.
Alpha's orientation is asexual, demiromantic, and omniromantic.
She prefers not to cuss, but if she were to use such language she'd lean more on words derived from religious contexts like damn or hell.
She has a Character AI that is open to chat!