


1 year, 3 months ago


Devourer | Zipacna
Noble Phantasm:

Buster.png NP name | subtitle
Rank: ? Class: Anti-???

Skill 1:


Skill 2: ?


Skill 3: ?




A titan of immense size and strength from Maya mythology. Originally this entity should not be summonable as a servant, but due to his own machinations certain exceptions were put into place. As part of his Beasthood authority Zipacna created his own class container (in the same vein as BB and Angra). When pressed on why he simply states “Doesn’t everyone love when the big bad becomes playable? Well consider me a super special unlockable character or something!”. Most likely he just wanted to feel special. In myth he is known for his great acts of destruction and creation. He is an entity who both takes life in the hundreds, and one who builds mountains and influences nature. Truly he is closer to a force of nature rather than a true heroic spirit.

Bond 1

Height/Weight: 200 cm / 118 kg
Origin: Fate/Battle for Humanity
Region: Latin America
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Gender: Male
"So this is the famous Chaldea? If this place is half as interesting as him then I’m sure to have a good time. Hell yeah!"

Bond 2

A devilishly handsome man who is as loud as he is big. Someone who exudes a powerful dominating aura while displaying the smile of a true idol. To say this his presence causes confusion is an understatement, but after some exposure you’ll get the hang of it. While he is in fact a being that commands respect he is ultimately a goofy prankster who just wants to live a life of fun and adventure. He doesn’t take himself or others too seriously and just wants to experience novel things. However he can’t escape his beastial nature and still displays traits of his more monstrous side. He craves sustenance in all forms and will attempt to inspire the same in those around him. Often to levels that are far beyond the definition of “excess”. While most of the time these attempts are negligible events, be sure to keep an eye on him. Food and mana shortages are not too uncommon with him around. Ultimately he’s a lovable himbo who adds eye candy and fun to Chaldea’s environment.

Bond 3

Zipacna truly does love humanity and retains that love in servant form. He sees humanity as a family member of sorts who he wants to give the world too. He sees our desire for everything: money, power, goods, land, even lovers, and tries his best to satisfy those desires with his own power. He finds our creations/cultures to be incredibly enjoyable and wants to expand those into infinity. Games? “It needs fifty sequels!!”. Food? “I’ll take 100!”. Land? “Let’s build the largest theme park ever made!”. In many ways he is like a child who doesn’t understand limits. He gives to a level where nothing will be left. So as his master be sure to teach him the value of restraint and keep him in line, okay?

Bond 4

Independent Manifestation: A Normally this skill would be sealed or highly hindered in a beast that has gained servanthood, but due to his connection with the Earth it stays at a high ranking. As long as there is ground beneath his feet he can manifest there.

Shaper of the Earth: EX A form of authority granted from his status as “maker of mountains”. Zipacna can freely shape the ground in his general vicinity; in essence making the entire battlefield his weapon. Stone, dirt, concrete all of these fall under the purview of his authority. It would take a truly alien ecosphere to counter this skill.

Self-Modification: C This skill has the power to allow Zipacna to access more aspects of his Beast form. Its low ranking is due to its limited scope of influence. Not a form of shape shifting, more so a skill that allows him to access that potential that lies within. He can gain greater claws, his caiman jaw, or any other attribute for a short period.

Mana Burst (Earth): A+ When circumstances are dire Zipacna can call forth more power from the Earth providing him a huge burst in strength and durability. The downside is that he has no self-control and he tends to kill the patch of land beneath himself. As such as a master please use this skill sparingly.

Bond 5

Terraforming of the Great Beast
Rank: A
Type: Anti-City
Range: 10~1000
Maximum Targets: The City’s Populace
A simple straight forward attack that summons gigantic mountainous pillars straight from the ground. It will sunder the Earth, destroy buildings, and terraform the land into a mountain range. A purely destructive catastrophe meant to trap, crush, or pierce whatever is trapped within it. A very fitting Noble Phantasm for this servant.

April Fool

Himbo- Type Servant
A jacked up beefcake whose brains are certainly not as developed as their muscles. He is a Beast who understands the basics and that’s enough for him. He can get grumpy from time to time so just be sure to give him plenty of treats!




Bond 1


Bond 2


Bond 3


Bond 4


Bond 5








Lullah, edited heavily by ghostingtown!" >