

playful / brash / impatient

Name Narok te Tsruwu Ateyo'itan
Nickname -
Age Younger adult
Pronouns He/him
Height 8'11 | 272cm
Species Reef na'vi
Occupation Scout | Weaver

A talk-active, social being, always interacting and involved in everything which allows him to. He loves to humour the younger ones of the village by partaking in little games and what not, when not out with another handful of the village more curious-minded individuals scouting the areas nearby for anything from food to trinkets to disturbances needing investigation. He dreams of eventually get to join the hunting parties as well, but while he's incredibly skilled at taking in a lot of visual information at once, is he less cut for anything requiring patience and aim.

One could think this meant a generally friendly and open mind, which isn't all that wrong, but the older he's gotten the more he's grown hostile towards anyone outside the Clan. As it is a mostly shared mindset between the Ma'lute's hasn't it caused much issue by any means, but it is a noticeable difference in behaviour and mood - one he's had a hard time keeping in order - which has handed him one or two pledges. Some of this pent up hostility partly stems from his reduced hearing in one ear, turning most things new, unfamiliar or foreign into an immediate, increased threat. Most is due to the tension and threat from the sky people and past experiences with them.

In terms of temper does it all depend on who he's faced with. Normally it takes quite a fair bit before he loses face but some people simply grinds his gears in all the wrong directions. At times like those does he share the tolerance of something too tightly strung, snapping at the smallest disturbance.

Common mood: Normally found in quite the relaxed and playful mood. His resting face rarely matches his state of mind, thankfully compensated by a more nuanced, expressive voice and eccentric hand signing.

  • collecting small rocks
  • long period of times underwater
  • touch
  • singing (and is really good at it)
  • the sky demons
  • mumbling or multiple sounds at once (can't hear it)
  • airbound large creatures

Located on the left half of his face, seemingly designed to "swirl" around or towards his eye in a more playful pattern.
  • represent whirlpools
  • does not extend below the jaw
  • more "airy" than most face tattoos
Saltwater beads

White, almost pearl looking beads placed out on either side of the hair not tied up on his head. Was gifted one from his sister and held these specific gems close to heart since.
  • same colour
  • same size
  • 8 on either side
Body pattern

Light in colour and covers all of his body very evenly, exceptions being for his hands, feet and any area more yellow in skintone (stomach/chest/face). Very alike to the surafce of water.
  • mottled, not stripes
  • most concentarted on shoulders and upper back
Tupoay (Older sister)

"Their relationship the past years have chanegd quite drastically: from very close to something broading towards 'familiar strangers'. She got her things, he got his, and nowadays when interacting less politely is it normally because of Narok's tendencies to do something less than clever."

Meyticaya (Friend)

"A very recent friend, but with her gentle personality and genuine being does he feel completely secure in trusting her as one."

Malachi ("Mawlmek")

"The bane of his existence, for reasons that's not Malachi's fault but which are triggered by him nonetheless - not from the reefs, not even a real Na'vi and dressed like the very demons working day and night to cause harm to their home. Worst part might be though, that he doesn't act like any of the monsters he's so alike."

Maweytsmukan (Friend/exploration buddy)

"Not a fellow scout, but someone who shares Naroks love for nooks and crannies."

Neyn'ur (Acquaintance)


Ukuniläie (Strangers)


Ka'ani (Apprentice)

"He adore this little guy, and hold great pride in being his mentor. Ka'ani's lost memory is a little tricky at times, and his moma has Narok on his toes, but besides that does he simply enjoy the responsibility and having a friend with similar humour and knacks."


Following text may contain mentions of distressing and/or triggering topics. Please do not proceed to read if the following affects you negatively:
  • violence (towards children)
  • trauma
  • foul language


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.