

1 year, 3 months ago
Trade Listing



  • Tier:
  • info:
  • Write whatever. The more info the better! Like-> species; colors; aesthetics; link moodboard; specific marking (stars/spots/sparkles/stripes/ect); accessories/clothes; jobs/what the oc would do; gender; personality; song; emojis
  • For tier 2 and 3:
    • What you can offer?

  • Any other things I should know


Tier 1 

Will be done on base!

you can ask about this one only once a month! (Once a month since the previous comment!)

Completely free! But you have no control over the final product. NOT guaranteed that I'll draw you something! This isn't first come first serve, this tier is just for fun!

All you have to do is write that you want! :]
Please comment with a moodboard/color palette for character idea you have, the more info the better!

You get a design. Like it? You take it and it is yours :] No? I'm keeping them.
 Code by Wolfhowler


Tier 2

Mostly will be done on base, but might draw it myself too.
Base made by myshelf! 

as many as you want!

You will have some control over the final product in this tier, but for that option i want get art or design trade. I'll do two/ three versions of custom and you pick what you like better. 

for that I want (art):

  • one fullbody drawing- if you are mutual
  • halfbody/bust- if your style is better
  • fullbody + something else- if your style is not mutual
Or character trades. I'll gladly take a look for any kind.
If you offer custom for custom I expect you to do the same as me - two versions to choose from. Since I'm doing it, it's fair that you do the same.

Attention! For 1 full body, I will create 2 versions for you to choose from. For 2 full bodies, I will create 3 versions for you to choose from, and you can keep 2 designs.


Tier 3

I will draw it fully by myself.

as many as you want!

You will have full control over the final product, but that for really good offers. Like few art pieces/ one art piece, but looking really amazing. Quality over Quantity!! Or for DA points offers. Offers less than 400 points will be ignored! Here I will fix the design as many times as you want so you can be picky, because I will correct any details as many times as necessary. I won't do it for free. Besides, it goes with full reference.



  • (For tier 1) You can ask several times and get a custom several times, but if I see that even one character is unused for the month since you got them, then I'm sorry. Any subsequent comment with a request will be ignored :(

    As I've said many times, I'm tired of my work being wasted and the characters just collecting dust in a new home. Since you're asking for a FREE character, I'm assuming you're going to use it! You are to make the simplest description (such as: name / pronouns / species) or at least one drawing. Not a doodle/sketch but at least colored icon. Might be on base but FOR A GOD SAKE DO WHATEVER!

This only applies to tier 1! With 2 and 3, where I get something in return, I have no right to demand it!

  • If you got character for FREE you cannot sell them or trade! Except adding more art or other value to it. You can only regift without that. I don't want a situation where I work on a character and YOU GET SOMETHING FOR IT!
  • For tier 2 and 3 and art offers please specify what amount of art!
  • This has no end date!
  • Designs that you don't want will be keeping by me. I'll do mainly raffles of them. If you resign from design you can't join later in raffle of this particular project.
  • Don't be salty if you ask for first Tier and I didn't did it. As I said- this one is for fun. 
  • Can do humanoids, but I can't promise it will looks good
  • People who collect characters will definitely not get custom!
I don't mind giving characters to people who have a lot of them (eg those who have extensive accounts like mine here), but I don't want to give them to "collectors" who order the character just because it's free.
  • If most of your characters don't have even the simplest description, don't expect me to be willing to do something for you :(
  •  Guys... New rule for new ones interested in getting a free custom (valid from 06/05/2023)
If you get a character from tier 1 and for a month you don't manage to make even the simplest description of character (such as: name / pronouns / species) then you will get on the "list of people who do not respect our work" :(
I have enough that I often spend over an hour to give you a character FOR FREE and you don't even want to write three or four words of description ;-;

Last update: 24/ 05/ 2023