Charisma (The Flaming Angel AU)



11 months, 8 hours ago


Basic Info
Charisma Angel Julius 
27 yrs
Wednesday, 25th December 1996
Chicago, Illinois 
Greek, African American
Blood Type
Nurse Practitioner
Alive | Single
A lot
  • Photography
  • Birds (Especially Sparrows)
  • Baking
  • Spicy Food
  • Gossip
  • Bugs
  • Tomatoes
  • Gold Jewerly (Unless its Rose Gold)
  • This 'Modern' AU is the most used AU next to EBC
  • She's best friends with Magnolia
  • Freaking loves spicy food. "If it's not eating me back, it's not spicy enough."
  • Prefers silver jewelry

Reliable. Energetic. Courteous. Polite. Charismatic. Skeptical. Dreamy. Restless. Unforgiving. Loquacious

Charisma is deeply committed to her beliefs, and the mere notion of abandoning a cause or letting someone down troubles her to no end. Count on her to be the unwavering force that drives her principles forward. She possesses an unrelenting determination to avoid disappointing others and will go to great lengths to ensure that she lives up to her commitments.

In her childhood, Charisma grappled with shyness, but the passage of time has transformed her into an exuberant adult who is ceaselessly brimming with energy. She radiates an infectious enthusiasm, always poised for action, often seen impatiently fidgeting as she eagerly anticipates the next task. Her vivacity extends its reach, affecting not just her circle of friends but also the patients under her care, imbuing them with a sense of optimism.

Charisma exemplifies politeness and gentleness at her very core. Whenever she encounters someone new, she unfailingly presents her best self, driven by a desire to forge new friendships. Her interactions with others are characterized by respect, as she treats individuals with the courtesy and kindness she herself values.

Frequently, those in Charisma's vicinity may discover her drifting into daydreams. She can be spotted outside her home or workplace, seemingly detached from the world, entranced by her own musings. These daydreams often yield a cornucopia of unconventional ideas and inspirations.

Persuading Charisma to adopt a particular viewpoint or opinion can be a daunting challenge. She harbors a great deal of uncertainty, which frequently results in her dismissing the input of others. Instead, she leans towards independently figuring things out, guided by her innate sense of self-reliance.

Restlessness has become a defining trait of Charisma's adulthood, though traces of her perpetual movement were apparent even in her childhood. She grapples with an intense aversion to remaining idle, as boredom swiftly overtakes her. Learning, while she deeply enjoys it, can sometimes feel overwhelming, necessitating a constructive outlet for her ever-active mind.

Charisma possesses a remarkably resilient spirit, allowing her to shrug off most criticisms and rumors. She staunchly refrains from entertaining baseless gossip, requiring concrete actions or words directly affecting her before she deems something hurtful. In such instances, she's prone to harboring grudges indefinitely, distancing herself from the responsible party while grasping every opportunity to remind them of their transgressions.

In her earlier years, Charisma wrestled with opening up to others, her shy demeanor creating barriers. It wasn't until she ventured into the world of academia and encountered Magnolia that her heart began to unlock. Gradually, she became more approachable, even with non-family members, rendering conversations with her a delightful experience. She revels in discussions and can be quite talkative, often expressing herself with great enthusiasm. Her excitement might lead to a rapid pace of speech, rendering her a chatterbox once she's truly engaged in a conversation. Yet, this facet of her personality fully emerges when one has come to know her well.


CCharisma's upbringing unfolded in the lap of luxury, nestled within an affluent neighborhood. Her father, a man who had experienced a brief one-night fling before openly acknowledging his identity as a gay man, and her late mother, who tragically passed away during childbirth, were the cornerstones of her early life. As an only child, Charisma relished her undivided attention from her father. However, her world shifted at the age of 16 when her father found love and married his partner. Their family expanded as they welcomed a young child named Shamrock through adoption. Charisma embraced her newfound role as a big sister with unwavering devotion, fiercely protective of her younger sibling.

Charisma's academic journey was marked by exceptional success, culminating in her graduation as the valedictorian of her class. Her outstanding performance earned her a prestigious scholarship to attend Harvard's Medical School. It was at this esteemed institution that she crossed paths with Magnolia, another aspiring medical student. Their connection blossomed rapidly, transforming them into the closest of friends. It was Charisma who played a pivotal role in guiding Magnolia toward her true passion, realizing that the medical field was not her destined path. Instead, Charisma encouraged her friend to pursue her dreams of becoming a baker, standing by her side as they embarked on the journey to establish the Blooming Cafe.

After completing her medical studies, Charisma found herself yearning to become a Nurse Practitioner. She embarked on a path that allowed her to establish her own medical practice, fulfilling her ambitions and realizing her professional dreams.


Ronald | Father

Charisma and her father share an exceptionally close and deeply affectionate relationship that has persisted throughout her life. Their bond is characterized by profound mutual admiration, trust, and unwavering support.

As a child, Charisma looked up to her father with starry-eyed reverence. In her young and impressionable years, he was her role model and the embodiment of everything she aspired to be. She was captivated by his qualities, his compassion, and his dedication to helping others through his work in the medical field. His influence on her was profound, igniting a burning desire within her to follow in his footsteps. Charisma longed to emulate his commitment, his medical expertise, and his ability to make a positive impact on people's lives. Her father's compassionate and caring nature resonated deeply with her, leaving an indelible mark on her aspirations.

This profound admiration and the desire to be like him inspired Charisma to pursue a career in the medical field. She embarked on a journey to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to make a difference in the lives of others, guided by the powerful influence of her father's exemplary character and dedication. This shared passion for medicine serves as a cornerstone of their relationship, a testament to the enduring connection that binds them together.

Magnolia | Best Friend

Charisma and Magnolia's friendship is a heartwarming tale of companionship that blossomed from the moment they first met as college roommates. Their bond deepened rapidly, becoming a strong and enduring connection that transcended the mere boundaries of friendship.

From the outset, Charisma and Magnolia shared a unique rapport that allowed them to easily open up to one another. They discovered a myriad of common interests and passions that kindled the flames of their burgeoning friendship. It was during their time as roommates that their destinies began to align, as they were both pursuing careers in the medical field.

However, it was Charisma's insight, empathy, and profound understanding of her friend's true desires that led to a significant turning point in Magnolia's life. She recognized that the medical field, which both had initially embarked upon, was not where Magnolia's heart truly lay. It was Charisma's unwavering support and encouragement that paved the way for her best friend to unearth her true passion — baking. The transformation was remarkable, and it was Charisma's belief in Magnolia's talent that led to the opening of the enchanting Blooming Cafe.

This act of unselfish friendship and belief in one another is a testament to the strength of their bond. It is a testament to the way their connection continues to grow and evolve, making them not only the dearest of friends but also indispensable pillars of support in each other's lives. Their friendship has illuminated new paths and possibilities, and its depth and beauty only continue to flourish as they navigate life's adventures together.

Puck | Adopted Father

Puck is the figure of unwavering support and guidance that Charisma cherishes as her adopted father. Their remarkable relationship was forged in the crucible of a life-changing event: Puck's heroic act of rescuing Charisma from a potential kidnapping during her formative years. This pivotal moment not only shaped the course of Charisma's life but also laid the foundation for a profound and enduring bond between the two.

Charisma's gratitude and admiration for Puck know no bounds, and she has always considered him to be a father figure, as well as her protector. The trauma of the kidnapping attempt could have left lasting scars, but Puck's intervention transformed the situation into a turning point that strengthened their connection. In his timely and selfless act of rescuing her, he became a beacon of hope and a source of unwavering support in Charisma's life.

Their extraordinary closeness transcends the traditional boundaries of a father-daughter relationship. Puck's presence offers Charisma a sense of security and trust, and she often turns to him for guidance and reassurance. His wisdom and kindness have left an indelible mark on her life, and she holds him in the highest regard.

Charisma and Puck's relationship is a testament to the profound impact that a single act of kindness and heroism can have on a person's life. Puck's selflessness and protective nature have shaped Charisma's character and the way she perceives the world, solidifying their extraordinary bond and making him an irreplaceable figure in her life.