Autumn Diamond




We could make a deal for your freedom, if you'd like!
Name: Autumn Diamond
Nicknames: Faller, "My Diamond", Sprite
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Orientation: Aromantic, Pansexual
Height: Either 2' or 492'
Race: Gem (Diamond)
Role: Leader
Obtained: As Starter
  • Sleeping on leaf piles
  • Pumpkin Spice
  • Fire
  • Eating
  • Liars
  • "Rule-breakers"
  • content
  • content

♡ Personality - She has a very prankster personality, preferring to mess with others by sending them out to do difficult, mortifying, or downright impossible favors. Her mood can switch or flip on a dime, however, and she may become infuriated or overjoyed over seemingly nothing. Autumn also seems to have some sort of obsession with roles, especially hating it when experiments "step out of line" (fusing, having positive relationships, etc) unless it results in something just as or more horrifying.

♡ Appearance - A pixie-like Diamond who dresses herself in leaf-like clothes and shades of yellows, reds, and oranges. She often plays with her height, but her most common sizes are either 2' or 492', with the former more common for messing with strangers while the latter is her default. She has red eyes, keeps her hair up in a double ponytail and her gem, a red diamond, is between her shoulders. Autumn has head wings that emote somewhat.

  • Autumn Diamond and her court are partially the source of humanity's idea of fae.
  • Gems who cannot hide their imperfections, traitors, and spies are corrupted and used as beasts of burden or guards.
  • Strongly dislikes the idea of shattering gems and rarely does it, but is perfectly fine with cracking gems for the sake of Ice Diamond's Kintsugi experiments.
  • Fusions are allowed in her court, and she may sometimes let gems from other Courts join hers. ...Likely for a price.
  • Has a pair of fairy wings she can summon at will. They're made of hardened light and feel like glass to the touch.
  • Her exact level of power is unknown, but she does seem to be able to corrupt and uncorrupt gems at will on her own. She also has pyrokinesis.