Pastel Goth Diamond



1 year, 3 months ago
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Basic Info


Pastel Goth Diamond (Called Pastel for short)



Court Theme

Pastel Goth aesthetic


Court leader/Matriarch, Designer


The best of both worlds, Pastel Goth Diamond and her court are themed around the subculture of pastel goth, combining light and dark colours and gothic imagery in a cute style.

This diamond likes for the members of her court to be individuals, showing off their creativity through their forms, though most of them tend to have the same sort of Pastel Goth style as her anyways. She doesn't have a problem with that though, since she thinks her style is super cute anyway. She has formal wear, but she doesn't really like wearing it unless she has to.

She likes to think of her court as a creative place, and loves designing things for her own court and the courts of the other diamonds from ships to murals, palaces to palanquins. Is this usually the job of a Morganite? Yeah. Does she care? No, not really. She does however tend to inject a lot of her own style into these things, making them have a similar aesthetic, and is often asked to tone it down by other courts that might not be as interested in the aesthetic.

The wings on her back allow for her to glide rather than fly, but she's not the best at it as of yet, and has a tendency to crash land if she isn't careful.

£25/2500 points. Will include her pearl if she is still available, or another pastel court member if the pearl is unavailable.