
Name Nute Charm

Nane Meaning Nute is another type of brown and Charm is cause he's based off Prince Charming

Age 18

Title hunter in training

Nickname Charmer

Status Alive

Favorite color white

Gender male


Race human

Born Atlas

Handedness right

Complection lightly tanned

Hair color brown

Eye color brown

Height 5 ft 10 in

Weight 191 lbs

~xSocial Statusx~

Sexuality straight

Social Rank single

Occupation student

Jobs student

~xPersonal Statusx~

Personality Valiant, unconventional, determined, romantic, regal, graceful, elegant, brave, selfless, polite, considerate, loyal, vital, humorous

Relatives n/a

~xAdditional info~

Likes dancing, fencing, romance

Dislikes forced romance

Special Skills horseback riding

Weaknesses tbd

Semblance: Project- Nute's aura can be projected out to create a shield around multiple people. The larger the group, the weaker the shield.