Aryll Varon



1 year, 3 months ago


  • Name Aryll Varon
  • Pronouns she/her
  • Sexuality Bisexual (Female Leaning)
  • Race Hylian
  • Occupation Cavalier
  • Height 5'3"
  • Aryll
  • 19
  • Female

"Just leave it to me, Lady Phiren!"

Aryll was born to a couple of commoners in a small farming town in Hyrule. Her mother worked as a seamstress, mending and making clothes for the other village folk. Her father, on the other hand, traveled to castle town for his work; a servant for a high ranking noble. Aside from her parents, she had her older brother. Three years older than her, Link was always a bundle of energy. He wanted to be a knight, and as the two grew older he would often rope Aryll into training with him. Despite them both being children at the time, it was her brother who taught her how to wield a sword. Her childhood was wonderful, until it wasn't. Disaster struck when Aryll was only 8, as an accident took her brother's life. Their family grieved for a long time, and as a method of coping with that loss Aryll made herself a promise. She would become the knight her brother wished he could have been.

Of course, a young woman becoming a knight isn't without challenges. Aryll trained constantly, showing talent with swords, lances, and horseback riding beyond the skills of many of the boys she knew. However, she knew it wouldn't be easy. Not only that, her family was struggling greatly. Her father was worked to the bone, and other seamstresses had began taking her mother's customers. Deciding it was for the best, Aryll began to learn etiquette so she could hopefully find her way into a debutante ball. From there, she had her mother make her a dress and managed to get an invitation through her father to the ball held by his employer for their daughter of around the same age. Finally, the stage was set... and it was there she met the woman who changed her life as she knew it; Phiren Incendier.


  • Horses
  • Her Family
  • Training
  • Pink


  • Corsets
  • Slimy Things
  • Being Called Delicate
  • Judgemental Gazes