


1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Calyx

Race: Dremora

Gender: Intersex

Pronouns: She/he

Orientation: Demi/Pan

Occupation: Dravas' bodyguard

Height: 7'2

Personality: Calyx is a meticulous observer and quite ambitious and ruthless. She's a dremora, and her morals may differ from men and mer. She is often pretty quiet and keeps to herself due to being schizoid, but when she speaks up she may be quite scary and bloodthirsty. He is twisted and does not obey anyone except Dravas, and it is advised not to make any deals with her. He is loyal to the few friends he has. One must often prove themselves to win Calyx's favor through strength and wit.

History: Calyx is an immortal daedra from Mehrunes Dagon's fiery plane of oblivion. She is a Kynval in her clan, an officer who has subordinates and often leads groups into battle. He wasn't always in such a high rank, in her youth he was a lowly Churl, but time and time again as he got summoned and learned how to battle and trick his enemies, he slowly started to gain recognition. One day a dunmer wizard called Dravas summoned her as part of an experiment with a sigil stone where the bond to the mortal plane is permanent, at least until Dravas chooses otherwise. Calyx was not happy with this bond, as he wanted to do more important things with her clan and not obey a lowly mortal, but slowly the two grew a closer bond. Now Calyx is a bodyguard for Dravas and protects him from harm.