


1 year, 3 months ago




Name Oak

Called Oak, Oakie

Gender Male

Age 30 years (Spirit)

Breed Domestic Longhair

Role Healer / Leader

Power Powerless (birth), Ever Life (current)

State of Being Spirit

Value Never For Sale


  • Rain
  • Nature
  • Nighttime


  • Death
  • Fighting
  • Blood


Oak was born to the same group of cats that Onyx came from. He was born alongside his sister, Maple. He's loving, protective, and strong-willed. He would do anything for his family. After his death, he became a spirit-being. Other cats can see, touch, and speak to him, but he is not alive. It's all an illusion created by the power his sister gave him as she lay dying. He is confined to the town of Joy as that is where his remains are. His spirit is around 30 human years old. He is half-blind.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious


  • Knowledgable
  • Levelheaded
  • Careful
  • Sincere


  • Self-loathful
  • Antisocial
  • Emotionally distant
  • Negative




  • He was madly in love with Onyx. It destroyed him when she left to fullfill her destiny and answer StarClan's call.
  • He became a father figure to June after Onyx passed down her powers onto her.
  • He genuinely loves his current mate, Sunshine, but knows deep down she will never replace Onyx.
  • He often goes on walks when it's raining.

Kithood and Young Adulthood

Oak was born in the same group as Onyx alongside his sister, Maple. In this group, different powers are given to cats to use to protect the group. Maple inherited the rarest power of them all: Ever Life. Ever Life was the power that leaders and future leaders received so that they may protect the group from all threats: living and dead alike. This power could also be passed on to another cat if the one born with it felt they weren't meant for that destiny. However, transferring the power can cause harmful side-effects.

Maple and Oak had normal kithoods. Oak met Onyx, a pretty black-and-white she-cat with the powers to see ghosts and communicate with the dead. The two were very close, nearly inseperable. Onyx taught Oak all about healing herbs, and he in turn taught her how to hunt.

When they were both around 12 moons old, Onyx called Oak out of his den at midnight one cold night. They met up near the river, and Oak took that as an oppertunity to confess his feelings to her. Onyx told him she felt the same, and for one moment Oak was happier than he ever was until she said, "I have to leave. StarClan, the warrior ancestors of the five warrior clans near here, called me to them. My destiny doesn't lie here with the group. My destiny doesn't lie with you. My destiny lies with ThunderClan." Oak could feel his heart shatter in his chest and he begged her to stay, but Onyx, with tears in her eyes, pressed her muzzle against his, twined her tail around his, murmured, "I will always love you," and left.

After Onyx

After Onyx left, Oak became severely depressed. His sister tried comforting him, but to no avail. About 4 moons later, a band of rogues led by Slate, a blood-thirsty and power-hungry tomcat, attacked the group, seeking Maple and her powers. Oak defended his sister with everything he had in him, and she fought stronger than any warrior before her. However, Slate had the advantage of seasons of training. He managed to knock Oak aside by clawing his eye, causing Oak to become half-blind. During that moment of weakness, Slate managed to slash Maple's throat open and started demanding she pass on her power to him. Maple refused, and with her dying breath, passed the power onto her brother.

The feeling of the power coursing through Oak was excruciating, but he barely noticed. He was numb from the death of his sister and filled with rage. He attacked Slate, managing to kill him.

After the battle, Oak was standing over his sister's body, crying, when suddenly he felt himself start to sway. The power was malfunctioning, and he collapsed next to Maple, dead.

Oak awoke to find himself standing over the bodies of both his sister and himself. In front of him, his sister stood over her body, her fur sparkling with stars. She explained to him that the power had failed, and he was now cursed to live the rest of eternity as a spirit-being. Cats can see him, speak to him, touch him, but he is dead and not a physical being. He would never go to an afterlife, and he couldn't leave the area the group resided. Maple apologized to Oak, saying she never wanted it to be this way, before she faded.

After Death

Oak moved to a den as far from the group as he could go. Each time he tried to go any farther than approximately 4 miles of the lake his group made their home, he would feel horrible pain and faint, reappearing over his body. Throughout the years, he stayed in solitude, disappearing when cats came too close. He witnessed the death of his group as the city of Joy was built around the lake. About 25 years after his death, Onyx appeared in front of him as a StarClan warrior. He was overjoyed to see her, but their reunion was brief. She led him to where Thorn sat over the body of Hemlock and whispered to Oak to rejoin the group of cats Thorn would join as she would become important later on. After that, she disappeared.

It didn't take long for Oak to realize Thorn was the descendant of Onyx. While the thought of her taking another mate hurt him, he decided to break his self-quarantine and befriended Thorn along with other cats in the group she joined. He met Sunshine, a healer who was previously a kittypet, and the two become friends. Not long later, Sunshine and Oak started getting really close. Oak felt similar feelings for her that he had felt for Onyx, and while these feelings weren't as strong, he knew he loved her. The two became both mates and the groups healers.

After the tornado and Blair's arrival, Oak started becoming more comfortable around the group of cats. He told only Sunshine and Thorn about his secret, and eventually told Blair. After June was born, Oak saw Onyx standing over her, fading into the tiny body of the newborn. Oak knew she had given her powers and spirit to the newborn, and he took it upon himself to become a father-figure to June, even more so after Thorn was killed.


Oak and the rest of the group grieved heavily for Thorn, but he now has the role of group leader. He spends most of his time with Sunshine, Blair, and June. He dreads the day he witnesses their deaths, but for now, he goes through each moment like it is his last. He's opened up more, and while he still grieves for Onyx, he hopes to one day meet the rest of her descendants.

Maple Littermate

Oak misses his sister so much it hurts. He doesn't regret anything, and would die for her a million times over.

Onyx Past Lovers

Oak still loves Onyx dearly, and will forever grieve for her. He sees her in June, and hopes he's living up to her expectations of him. He will forever regret not being able to walk the stars with her.

Sunshine Current Mate

Oak loves Sunshine. She is his other half, and he loves spending time with her. While she'll never be Onyx, he knows that he will love her just as fiercely. Being around her brings him peace.

Thorn Best Friend

Thorn is one of Oak's closest friends. He grieves heavily for her.

June Adopted Daughter

Oak loves June dearly. He sees Onyx in her, and he loves her rambunciousness.

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