Jung Kenji



1 year, 3 months ago


You are so boring, has anyone ever told you?

Jung Kenji




He / Him


Korean / Japanese


Sleep Thru Ur Alarms


Jung Kenji

Masked Despondency



Blunt / Dismissive / Judgemental

Known to be Meraki's resident realist, Kenji runs a grunge skateshop where he creates and fixes skateboards. The shop, Nini's Skateshop, is a second home to him as he will almost always be found there and a lot of the time is not even working.

Kenji is not really a conversave person, known to brush people off with simple one-worded answers. But if you do ever manage to get through to him, he tends to be on the silly side. He is not as bright as he portrays himself to be, tending to space out and dropping his harsh words. He enjoys some things such as playing video games, watching the Home Network shows, and other things. He enjoys doing these things either alone or with close friends.


  • Born to a single mother in South Korea and grew up relatively happy

  • Mother's death at 10, he was left to raise himself after that

  • Accident left face with minor paralysis and scars but left internal wounds forever open

  • Moved to Meraki as a young adult, meeting Mylah, is this a new beginning for him? New family?


Kenji was born to a single mother after his father grew out of the picture. She was a caring and gentle mother, cherishing Kenji with tantamount of love. He was a chipper and happier person when he was growing up. She taught him English to be his first language, and then Korean as his secondary. He didn't know how to write his own name so he only wrote Nini. He taught himself how to skateboard and was a prodigy at it. His mother worked multiple jobs to provide for him and her. It was not until he turned 10 that Kenji awoke one night to sudden knocking at his door. He opened it to find a police officer awaiting with a hat in his hand looking very solemn. Kenji was taught everything under the sun, except for death and the grief it came with.

Not wishing to be taken into anyone else's care, Kenji ran from the officer. He took his skateboard and attempted to make his getaway. But in a blur, he did not see the impending danger ahead of him. He was too busy wobbling on his brand new skateboard his mother had made him the day before that- it goes dark. All that is remembered here is an agonizing realization that his only family will never come home. For what is home if nothing there will bring you anymore joy?

Kenji's face was disfigured from his face-first encounter with oncoming traffic. It rendered his lower left jaw to become permanently paralyzed and left scarring he could not bare to see. When it came nightfall on one of his stays in the hospital after a reconstructive surgery, Kenji made his way to the playroom of his ward and found a funny looking mask that had pointy teeth and fangs. It had made him giggle. He kept it, as it was the beginning og his journey to heal.


After being admitted to several locations, Kenji managed to continue his schooling and picked up a new hobby of simply creating skateboards after growing away from riding them. And also because he has his own fears. But anyways, at the right age of 18, Kenji had read a brochure that spoke of a wonderful new beach-city type of area. He was looking for a new place to settle, he has been goign from place to place.

Dropping his single suitcase in front of an empty "For Sale - SOLD!" sign in front of his new small home, Kenji sighed in relief at this. He did not consider it a home yet, just a shelter. Home is where the heart is, and his is not there yet. But amidst the internal solitude and thinking, a warm voice chirped up from behind him. Turning around quickly, Kenji looked down at a girl with black hair and a ridiculous bow with a huge smile that seemed so childish. "You must be the new neighbour! The name's Mylah, hopefully we'll get along just fine!" and the rest is history.

Design Notes

  • Medium-length hair that brushes just below shoulders. Almost always held up in a bun.
  • Sky-blue eyes with slit-like iris.
  • An oni face mask, with three stripes on each cheek.
  • Wears a black turtle-neck crop-top with a jumpsuit jacket. Dull-teal jacket with white stripes.
  • Sweatpants match top, with white stripes on the outersides.
  • Generic black converse sneakers, but laces are tied around the foot rather than tied normally.
  • Fingerless gloves and black nail polish.
  • Scars across face: cheeks, jaw, nose. The left side of his mouth will always be less-able to open/smile than the right due to nerve-damage.

He's the other brother that she sorta wishes she had! Same amount of fun, different font. He's the rational side to her blind-optimism a lot of times, and she will be his social scape-goat in situations he can't handle. Two halves of a whole.

Best Friend

Mylah was the first to approach Kenji, and the rest became history from there. It was found-family at first sight. A family he thought he'd never have again.


Kenji holds a special place in Kodak’s heart, influencing his perspective on various matters with a profound impact. Kodak cherishes the amusing bond formed through a shared lack of interest in many things, yet admires Kenji's emotional depth. With heartfelt gratitude for Kenji's companionship, Kodak expresses a sincere desire not to jeopardize it with any mistakes, valuing Kenji as a wonderful person that he never wants to lose.‼️.


An untrustful mortal guide to an immortal duo. Kenji values Kodak and holds an important place in his heart. To Kodak, Kenji can only say thank you.
