Jem S.



6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Jem S. 

Nickname: N/A

Class/Tier: Defense, Low Tier 

Gender: Male 

Sex: Male 

Pronouns: He/Him 

Sexuality: Bisexual (Female Preference) 

Age: 24

Sector: 5

Job: College Student, Part-Time Librarian, Part-Time Bar Tender 

Height: 5' 9" 


Jem is distant and quiet. He doesn't speak much, even if he likes you. He's a daydreamer and doesn't pay attention often, because he's always got something else on his mind. However, despite this, Jem does secretly love people with cheerful personalities. He likes the auras they carry, and he tends to be more receptive to those personality types. He gets along with most all personalities though, because of his lack of care. He isn't depressed or anything, and he isn't secretive. If you ask, he'll tell. You just have to give him a few moments to answer though, because he likes to take things slow and relaxing. When needed, he can be protective, and he's also rather strong, despite having a somewhat lazy personality (you can chalk that up to his lineage, it's easier for them to retain muscle than fat). 


Jem comes from a line of Pilot Class aerolins, so it shocked all of his family, especially his parents, when he was placed into Defense Class. His grandparents were highly disappointed, but Jem isn't the type of person to care much about others opinions, so their distaste for his class never has honestly affected him. Plus, he's always had Michael to defend him, so he's never really had to worry. 

Likes: Quiet, Adventures, Reading, Training, Relaxing, Night time walks 

Dislikes: Calamity, Fighting, Arguing, Conflict


Enjoys working at the pub a bit more than the library 

Hates not being busy 

Always distracted 

Not very expressive unless forced to be 


Michael (Childhood Friend & Crush)

Flynn (Cousin)

Currently looking for friends, family, enemies, or significant other 

Type of RP Preferred: Paragraph