Lurend Di Korestar





describe image

Lurend Di Korestar

age ?? years
height 5'7 FT/ 174 CM
weight 156 lbs / 70.8 kg
hair black
eyes white
gender non-binary
species aasimar(?)
pronouns xe/xem/xyr



Standing around 5'7 feet (174 cm), this person is usualy seen wearing beige pirate shrit, that has brown strips at the collar and the ends of the sleeves. Xe wear dirty brown pants and lace-up boots that go up to xyr knees. You will be able to identify them clearly (if xe don't have the same clothes) by missing pupils in xyr eyes and the white tips of xyr hair.


A driven person who will stop at nothing to figure out where xe came from, even if xe have to enter forbidden territory or to places that do not welcome xem, wanting xem dead.

Xe are kind and caring person, and will not ignore anyone who is in need, to those who are most unforunate. Xe feel like it is xyr calling to help those who need help, no matter what. And somehow, xe have a connection to the mother god, Lazareth.

Public Opinion

The story of the fallen god has not left the public's mind the time that it occured, and words of vengence and anger were the last thing the god spoke. Slain by a king filled with greed and fear, the corpse of it remains at the top of the king's mountain. The mother god, Lazareth, cursed the land in anger of killing their only son and left the people to fend for themselves. Since then, many people quietly wait in fear and pray for forgiven as the time comes when the fallen god will arrive.

Lurend, falling from the sky, has rung some alarms to many in the land. Royals and Government Officals have put out wanted posters and banners to bring the head of Lurend as soon as possible, fearful of what xe might do to their land and people. Others, like pirates and reglious fanatics, want xem alive and in their clutches. Its safe to say that Lurend is the most wanted person on the planet.


Found in the ocean territory of Yutivlia by the pirate ship, The Godkiller, xe was imprisoned for a few months. The pirates were going to kill xem until they found out that xe had aurum blood, a sign of a mortal god. They drained xyr blood and sold it in the black market while keeping xem in a coma-like state; until a sea monster attacked (due to being attracted to god’s blood) and let Lurend escape, albeit in a drugged like state, and went overboard.

A few days later, is when the ship (The Juliana) passes by xyr body and, (under much debate) Otis, a member of the ship, brings up xyr body to the ship to help xem recover. The Captain, Rieta Whiteshine, is very suspicious of xem and keeps close tabs on xem. After a few incidents (such when finally leaving xem on an island, the God Killer leader finds xem and Whiteshine jumps into the sea to swim back to where xe are) Lurend is now a member of the crew and tries to prove to the captain that xe are worthy of being a member of the crew.


Feb 13, 6000SE

  • Beginning

    Was found in the ocean by the Godkillers, and imprisoned

Jun 16, 6000SE

  • Escape

    A sea monster attacks the Godkiller's ship and Lurend jumps out of hole from the ship

Jun 18, 6000SE

  • Found

    The pirate ship, The Julianna, finds xyr body and takes xem in (after a while)











  • Helping people
  • The Julianna Crew
  • Lobster


  • The Godkiller Crew
  • Needles
  • Blood

Fun Facts

  • Xe can't remember basic human functions such as sleeping, eating and drinking. Xyr a mess when it comes to it! Xe don't understand the sensations of what hunger or thirst feels like but, the Julianna crew helps xem out for it.
  • Will always put others needs before xyr own.
  • The only thing xe can remember, after xe were able to recover, is the symbol of a shining star. Xe know it means something to xem...

Design Notes

  • This takes place in a fantasy setting, that feels medival. So xyr clothes should represent that era. But, xe usually wear pirate clothing
  • Xe have a white star symbol that repeats and wraps around the neck.

Rieta Whiteshine

(WILL UPDATE THIS SECTION LATER WITH EVERYONES STUFF) Whiteshine is the captain of The Julianna and seems to mistrust Lurend.



The mother god that created the planet, during times of Lurend's needs, they come to xem in a vision.


Character Name

Relationship words go here. Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet


Character Name

Relationship words go here. Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet


Character Name

Relationship words go here. Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet


Character Name

Relationship words go here. Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet

REWARD: $1,000,000,000