


1 year, 3 months ago



♥ Sultan ♥

" Oh that's just how we do it around here. Everyone's a welcome guest. "

Sultan is a farm grown cat. While some others he knows are pampered Sultan believes himself to be better than that, peak feline if you will. He's a mirror image of his owner, a humble hard working man through and through. Unlike most Sultan is trained in the art of hunting, taking it out to the mice, snakes, and other vermin infesting the barns. Even if there isn't much for him to go after considering the mass cat population of the area. Thus, he's nice and plump from left over cow meat his owner tosses over to him. He's a good ol' country lover, and has the 'American Dream' as he's heard it described, but that might not be the plan god has for him, and he's fine with that. Sultan, to the other pampered cats, is renowned as odd. Older than most of them, and more... what's to say... mature. He's a little vulgar at times, and he speaks from the heart. Filter is not something he wants, nor something he's familiar with. He and his owner are bachelors, two peas in a pod, and Sultan may also have quite a few health problems from consuming beverages and foods that cats should not, but that's a problem for another day. Todays the day for the fields.

by iinvy helped by LowkeyWicked