

About The Character :

Name(s) : N/A

Nickname(s) : Pet

Pronouns : It/It's

Age : Doesn't Age

Species : ???

Gender : Queer

Orientation : Queer


Description :

This creature is found throughout The Backrooms levels but typically is seen more in safe levels of The Backrooms. It appears as an anthropomorphic creature that has a mix of dog-like and cat-like featrures and abilites, although it's lower legs seem akin to a hoofed animal. It has a red eye on it's forehead and it's chest that researchers believe help it travel through levels.


Behaviors :

It is a passive creature that get's easily scared. It often hides when it's aware that another thing or human is near by. Although, it's been reported that this creature has been know to warming up to humans and even helping them by giving supplies and even guiding them through levels and even taking them to safer levels if they wern't already in one. It seems to be able to understand human speech in a varity of diffrent languages but can't speak itself. Be warned though, if this creature gets startled it lets out noises, similar to a dog's yelping, that attracts hostile entities.


Discovery :

It is unknown who first discovered this creature but reaserch teams that have ran into it nicknamed it "Pet" for how closley it's behaviors resemble a domesticated house pet.


Do's & Dont's :

DO :

• slowly approach this entity to gain it's trust


• make sudden noises around the creature

• charge at the creature


Important Features :

• Top surgery scars

• Chubby body-type

• Paw pads only on hands

• Claws

• No pupils

• Red eyes on chest and forehead

• Hooves as feet