Chichevache ([text])



"You'll no longer be Chichevache for I will never let you starve another day upon these frigid wastes of water and pages. As long as you're here, you'll be o'kay."


"Fine, since you like that word so much, your new name can be Kay."

"Ehe, that's fine by me."

The terrifying warrior known as Chichevache, named after the mythological creature, is a mercenary honed by her years of being in the wastelands. She can never be hired directly; she only works with groups she's currently traveling with.

Currently the de facto assistant of the Recruiter, the Dark Bicorn Lambda.

Kay uses a special club to fit her battles, preferring to knock people out over killing them, but the preference isn't by much. Also known as "the Burdenbeast", Kay often carries the burdens of those who have died on the battlefield. She carries last wishes and final regrets, often telling the news of death to the families soldiers and mercenaries left behind. She's then more respected on the battlefield than with civilians because soldiers know their love ones will be contacted with unsent letters. The families at home have an apprehension about her since she rarely comes home with good news. Those who also take up the mantle of delivering final words also call themselves Burdenbeasts, and these people often follow Kay around. Deep down, many of them are curious as to when the Chichevache will be struck down in battle, and what her final words would be.

The secret is that Kay does not have a home to belong to, so there are no words she will be leaving behind.