


1 year, 3 months ago


Kelvin Canoi is a grayish-black cat anthro, with blue eyes and a knack for pissing off the divine above.

In his world, he is the Primary, acting as his world's main protector and powerhouse. Overall, Kelvin is a cocky, smug little bastard who acts like he's above everyone in the room, which he, most of time, is. However, this cockiness has gotten him into trouble. Not often enough to warrant a personality shift, but enough he dials it back when facing bigger enemies, even if they are technically weaker.

Kelvin usually wears vests and shorts, though he also enjoys leather. He wears nothing of note, aside from a pendant in the shape of a dragon.

Kelvin's Primary Weapon is a scythe. It has a chrome blade, a black rod, and a skull attaching the two. The skull looks like it's spitting up the blade, and it's eyes glow when Kelvin is about to pull off a serious move.

Kelvin is one of 10 primaries to face off against Boss in his canon timeline, not relying on elemental powers like 001-009/010.