
Full name • ???

Alias • Leviathan

// I don't know what element he can have but he'd probably have nature anyway

- very gross.

- very intelligent even if he doesn't show it. Has a silver tounge but prefers violence.

- smiles or grin almost 24/7, if his grin grows wider, he's angry or even more excited.

- his house is covered with flowers, potted plants and even some bonsais

- an alchemist. don't drink anything he gives.

- keeps venomous snakes as pets, probably has like 4. Also a few species of deadly spiders. Calls them his children.

- has an european accent that slips when he's threatening people or has his guard down.

- doesn't like responsibilities 

• Information gatherer. He probably beat up people for that info or maybe even more. He always gets his info.

Theme Song