MHA Ramen Hair's Comments

Hello! I'd like to grab this gal, if that's ok!

Ofc! You can send the $1 here & I'll transfer her to you! 

Just sent it ^^

Transfer pending, tysm!

Is this still open?

Yes, both are still available! 

For the first boyo i can offer art or anybody in my trades :)

Would you be cool doing a fullbody of Fraise maybe? I see you draw a lot of gems & she was originally supposed to be one c: 


Awesome! I'll put him on hold for you 

Screenshot_20230904-084236_Chrome.jpgHello!! Do any of these three sillies have quirks? I'm interested in your designs, especially the one in the image I attached, but I alsooo suck at writing actual quirks <\3 

Hi there, so sorry for the late reply! (Been working) 

The one you sent the image of is made of paper & can make paper bombs with the paper he sheds. 

The top left has a jelly quirk; he’s essentially goopy, can be split into pieces, fit through small spaces & can’t feel pain. 

& the bottom left has prehensile hair made of ramen! It can move, extend, & it’s edible lol

Oh!! I'd love to offer Flytrap or a chibi custom design for the paper boy! If that's okay? If not, then I can offer a minimal-shading chibi fullbody of any of your ocs!

Your art's absolutely adorable, I'd love to get the chibi if you don't mind! Would you be comfy drawing him

OMG he's SO cool!! I'd love to draw a chibi of him! Yippee! Yippee!!

Sent! He was fun to draw, and also taught me that I need a new art program because it crashed so much ToT LOLL

Awww he looks so cute!! Tysm, the transfer is pending <3

Is this still open?

Yes, all 4 here are still available!

Great! Would you want to trade any of them for anyone here?

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Sure thing, you can send the $2 here & I'll send em over! 

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Got it, tysm! 

Designs are by ushiwaka btw!

Do all of these adopts have quirks?

If so, what kind? 

Some have quirks, they aren't super developed tho; top left has a slime quirk, top middle has a paper quirk, bottom left has a spore quirk, & bottom right has a bug quirk

Does the one left of the bug quirk not have any? 

Yeah, I never got around to thinking of one for her…I was thinking maybe something like Torodoki where one side controls light & the other controls shadows 

Ooo, cool~!

I'd like to adopt her, please? 

Awesome! You can send the payment here & I'll send her over c: 

4 Replies