


6 years, 2 months ago



The blue bitch of a bookworm.


Core Person
Female (She/Her)
Aromantic Asexal
Time Patroller

Kimora is a very standoffish woman, she doesn't like being in a group or a crowd. She would rather do things herself and her blunt attitude often leads her to be alone anyways. No one seems to like her, others will call her "the blue bitch" or just emotionless. Which doesn't bother her in the slightest. Only allows more time to be by herself and read.

It's hinted in her younger years she was completely different. No one knows how she acted since they all have passed. If you ask her directly about how she used to be she'd describe herself as hopeful.

Character playlist here.


"Leave me be. I have reading to catch up on."

Many years ago Kimora was known for her knowledge of battle strategy and tactics, it appeared she’d always had a plan for every possible outcome. Alongside that, she was very skilled in using ki to fight rather than hand-to-hand combat. After many requests for her to teach her skills, she opened a school for anyone willing to learn. The age or skill sets of the students never mattered to her, she enjoyed teaching just about everyone. Her reputation of being a firm yet kind teacher spread like wildfire. It wasn’t long before people were flocking to her school. Kimora was very grateful and happy to be a teacher.

The small school kept growing and became Kimora’s pride and joy. Every day she'd be teaching her students. Until it, all came crashing down on top of her.

A large Saiyan man, who Kimora recognized as one of her previous students, visited the school again. Confessing how Kimora’s tactics helped him take down weaker opponents and that it made getting rid of the weak easier. This caught Kimora off guard and she quickly berated the man for doing such. Another younger student joined in and this caused the Saiyan to get mad. An argument broke out between the two adults and eventually more of the younger students joined in backing their teacher; despite the older ones telling them to stop. The Saiyan’s anger grew to the point he challenged Kimora to fight him, yet she refused seeing there was no need for a senseless battle. Unfortunately one of the young students said they’d step in and fight for their teacher. Before Kimora could tell them to back down the Saiyan accepted the challenge.

The battle was quick. This kid was no match for a full-grown Saiyan. Yet the Saiyan didn’t stop the fight. He kept beating on the kid despite them being down. Immediately Kimora tried to step in only to be knocked back by the Saiyan. This action repeated until the Saiyan was covered in blood and the kid was no more. Kimora herself was bruised and bloodied due to her trying to get the Saiyan to stop, tears stained her cheeks as she yelled. Hateful and venomous words were flung at the Saiyan. As the rest of the students watched in absolute horror. Kimora let out a sorrowful scream as she let loose a barrage of ki blasts at the Saiyan completely consumed by anger. This managed to knock the Saiyan off his feet and be forced him to hover in the air.

The previous wish for no battle was thrown out the window as Kimora saw nothing but red.

The fight became a blur, events fuzzy. The only thing that Kimora can remember is the before and after of the fight. Her school was demolished, and the smell of thick smoke clouded the air. All she could feel was shame, guilt, and sadness.

In a flash, Kimora left without saying a word to anyone. Going to an unknown location to be alone for years.

Years upon years of isolation took a toll on Kimora’s emotional state; she became cold, bitter, and seemingly emotionless. The patience and hope she once had withered away. She would’ve spent the rest of her life like this if it wasn’t for a short man named Shishi. No matter the insults or blunt words Kimora threw at him, he didn’t stop trying to break her outer shell. He’d bring her gifts to try and win her favor, but none of them took her interest until he brought her a book about chess. She finished the entire book in a day. After that Shishi began to bring piles of books to her so they could read together and talk.

It took years of this for Kimora to open up to Shishi. But eventually, she saw him as her best friend and the only light in her life. She’d find herself looking forward to his visits or letters. He became the only reason she smiled anymore.














  • Candles
  • Black Teas
  • Nighttime
  • Soft Music
  • Sunsets
  • Crowds
  • Gossip
  • People not thinking before they act
  • Messes
  • Injustice
  • While her hair is supposed to be white I use a shade of whitish purple to make the design fit together more.
  • Has a large bust, but clothes tend to hide it.
  • She is one of my biggest comfort characters.
  • In the homebrew D&D Dragon Ball Xenoverse style game I play in, Fight it Out, she is a divination wizard.
  • She knows multiple languages.




Cover by Julien Ando

code by icecreampizzeria
art by rasbipac_ | images from Pinterest