Rebecca Everwisp



1 year, 6 months ago


Just your average girl with crystal angel blood and 9 sisters with an """evil""" dad. 5'8", 19

A scribes wizard. The youngest member of the Everwisp family, a family of aasimar who live in the Spring Court of the Feywild. Her father, Tobias Everwisp, runs a magic academy there which teaches tracks dedicated to all different types of magic. She is an aspiring wizard and was figuring out what path of magic to pursue. To aide her, her father handed down a number of spellbooks for her to study.

One spellbook, a dark blue grimoire, was sentient, and pleaded with Rebecca to ensure it would not fall into her father's hands again. Before Rebecca could question anything, her father quickly returned and demanded the book back. Though inclined to trust her father, she could not ignore the cries of the frightened book, and fled.

Containing many terrible secrets, but only willing to part with a few at first, the book asks Rebecca to protect it from her father until it figures out what to do. Rebecca does so, travelling the Feywild and uncovering a number of convoluted plots while being searched for by her 9 siblings, all powerful mages in their own rights.


  • I'm not going to put a list of spells, just imagine she can use a huge variety of spells.
  • Can turn spells of certain damage types into others. (i.e., make a fireball spell suddenly be electric)
  • Can summon a spectral blue flame representing the sentience of her book. Her spells can originate from this flame instead of from her.
  • Can summon a pair of spectral, geometric, crystalline wings, and can fly while they are out.
  • A small amount of healing.
  • Very smort.
Though she can be somewhat paranoid and even a little skittish, she is by no means a coward, and demonstrates powerful magical ability when necessary.

For CAE:

  • Feel free to tweak her fashion a little, but her color scheme/mage-wear style should remain in tact.
  • Though not colored in, the design on the cover of her grimoire is shown next to the sketch of her headshot. Feel free to interpret that however you please if you decide to draw her with her book. Only know that the main body of the book's cover should be a dark blue.
  • Feel free to draw her casting any crazy magic you can imagine. Most of her spells are offensive, but there are plenty of utility ones as well.
  • The crystalline marks on her body are not makeup and should not be changed. Please be particular with them. The markings on her body are crystalline in appearance, and refract as if her body were a geode. She is not actually made of any kind of stone, but appears so anyways.
  • I don't have references for her sisters (other than the little headshots in that one image), so don't worry about drawing them at all.
  • Tobias: