


1 year, 3 months ago


Tabar Boulderwood

  • Age24
  • SpeciesHalf-orc
  • Gendermale
  • OrientationStraight
  • Relationship StatusSingle









  • Animals
  • Pie
  • Snow
  • Family

Rude people

  • Intelligence checks
  • Reading
  • Drawing
  • Pickles

Tabar, also known as Tabs by his close companions, is a big friendley giant with no intellignce but a heart of gold. His stong stature is intimidating but he wouoldn't hurt a sly (intentially) unless threatedned or his friends are in danger. He is extremley loyal and slightly overly trusting.



Tabar was abandoned, lost or just given up by his parents before he could even walk, and never really knew what happened to them. This however, didn't leave him in dispair, instead he was adopted by his halfling mother, Rose, who took him to her village where he would grow up. He was one of the largest folk in teh primarily halfling farming town, but he used that to his advantage and would help where he could.

His main freinds were his brother (roses son Oliver) and a human in the town named Fern. The three were inseperable as kids, always getting into trouble and sticking by eachothers side. Being the minority, Fern and Tabar fouond comfort in being almost outsiders and had a close bond that Oliver was almost jelous of.

Eventually, they grew up into young adults, and Fern yearned for adventure, leaving a heartbroken but supportive Tabar behind. Now even bigger, the half-orc found it hard to navigate day to day life without causing accsidents due to his size and lack of awarness. This cuased alot of scolding from teh town member, including a now drifting Oliver. Alone again, he turned to his supportive mother after a big argument with Oliver and he confided that he wanted to travel the world (and maybe find fern) and although Rose was heartbroken by his leaving, she fully supported him and Tabar prepaired to leave for a new adventure.


With a whole world to explore, and an oath to protect those who cant protect themselves, Tabar set off on his adventures, wanding with a full heart and optimistic veiw. He spent soem time just wandering, passing from town to town and helping out in exchange for places to sleep and food, he slowly beccame a name of heroism and would occasionally fight of beasts taht threatened teh innocent. However, he struggled when it came to solving problems involving people. He couldn't bring himslef to hurt people, feeling it was unfair and unjust which left him in some tough spots.

Eventually, he made it to the Elarian kingdom and hear rumours of the leaders of the kingdom searcging for heros. Tabar immidiatley took an intrest, wanting to protect people and left to go and find his fate. Along the way, he met a strong elven bard and the two bonded over some ale. Tabar convinced the now friend, Jamie, to join him on his quest.

Lost in time

After getting his quest and joining a party of two other adventurers, an intelient monk and strange hat-wearing bird, the four began their quest, soon stumbling across a being that seemed far stronger than them combined. Immidiatley overpowered, horrible visions flooded Tabars mind before he was transported somweher new. Somwhere else in time and space where he was fabled to be a hero. Now just wanting to return home, Tabar and his companions are on a mission to solve the mysteries of this stange situation they're in.



Adoptive Mother

Rose is a soul full of gold, and sees Tabar as her own life and blood. The two have an amazing relationship and Tabar would do anything to protect her. She waits for his return everyday, still kepping his room teh same as it was when he left.



Adopive brother

Tabar and Oliver were inseperable as kids, Oliver happy to have a little brother, however as tehy grew up and Tabs beaccame more clumsy and susseptable to accsedents, Oliver beccame more frusterated with his brother and teh twos relationship beccame tense, never medning before Tabar left for the world.



Childhood friends

Both diffrent in their halfling town, Fern and Tabar beccame close friends though their shared diffrences and although maybe he never realised it, he was in love with her. The two were extremley close, and her leaving to explore the world to find herself left Tabar changed forever. He still hopes taht one day he will find her again.

Design Notes

  • His hair is shoulderlength when let down, but is often tied up to say out of his way. His bottom cannines also poke out of his mouth when closed.

  • Creator@BailyIsBored
  • Designer(s)@BailyIsBored
  • Obtained byDND
  • Total ValueN/A

"I will protect the people who cannot protect themselves"