
1 year, 3 months ago


translate our own transmission ♆

thuyết hữu becquerel. she/fi. bi bigender. 30 at death. april 15

french vietnamese. aries 5w4. also known as "daisywheel".

an architect who came to the train due to fascination with its design, alongside its rumored 'automatic room modifying' tech. fir long-standing interest in all kinds of old tech also drove fir to find found fornax's summoning capabilities a perfect avenue for research in this realm. at the time of fir arrival the world was holding its breath about the fornax train's disappearance, so to speak... and fi was too distracted by the veneer of the train's abilities to have any real concerns. upon arriving and discovering the stagnant nature of the train, fi was still quite unbothered — it did allow fir to do everything fi wanted, and if anything, it was a sanctuary for uninterrupted study and research.
this kind of got to fir head though, and fi started to kind of ache for any serious contribution. wanting to test fir mettle and perhaps use fir extensive but long-useless knowledge of morse in a practical situation, fi joined the early affinity expeditions. over a period of two years fi proved firself as an exceptionally resourceful and dedicated assistant, growing close to others on the team and especially ulises.
thuyết remained devoted to affinity even as other volunteers started to resign — and whilst perhaps fir sense of perseverance was noble, it was also what led to fir downfall. during a two-person expedition on octant vii, all the fauna of the octant became spontaneously aggressive, and fi chose to sacrifice firself to allow faris to flee.

↳ projection

✰ personality/mannerisms

exceptionally studious and motivated by idle curiosity... fi can feign fascination in anything. fi's always just eager to share fir thoughts on things and to discuss things with other people, fond of 'bouncing ideas off' other people just to think of novel new concepts...
post-death, fir sense of curiosity perhaps hit a high. fi was the first to really properly 'merge' fir consciousness with fornax, and stretch fir senses out to earth — which lead the other ghosts to do the same, in due time. ironically enough, or perhaps most befittingly, fi spends most of fir time exploring different crevices of different dimensions and varying parts of earth's history; fi ignores most of the squabbling going on within the train. most of the communication fi facilitates are obscure morse signals, whether audio or visual, often choosing to save fir voice.

✰ relationships

when alive, stuck around the rest of the affinity team; at the time that was ulises, demeter, sabri, faris, olzhas, and eventually valerie as well. fi was on best terms with ulises, empathising with her focused analytical nature, and finding her knowledge on various kinds of biology commendable. fi wasn't too close with faris to begin with, but the two were the last affinity members going on expeditions for a long while and so they bonded during that time... quite evidently they became close enough for thuyết to literally die for him.
however fi was on rough terms with both sabri and olzhas... with sabri it was a matter of thuyết finding her too private and secretive, which was annoying to fir, famed fan of information. olzhas on the other hand was too outspoken, and the two often argued on expeditions. fi was also kind of contemptive of eir clairvoyance, thinking of it as 'cheating' with regards to secretive messagesending.
thuyết's kind of a sore subject for the train residents who remember fir... fir death was regarded as a tragic mistake and lead to ulises shutting down collaborative work on affinity for ages. over the years it's become a much easier topic to discuss, with people like ulises and faris specifically discussing fir in good memory and summoning keepsakes based on fir motifs to honor fir. it wouldn't be wrong to say fi's become kind of a mythological martyr figure...
to talk about reality though. fi's distinctly quiet in the realm of fornax-to-train communication, for the reasons mentioned above. the people fi most frequently reaches out to are naturally ulises, faris and demeter, though it's mostly just the latter who seems to pay attention... they have slow conversations from time to time. fi's had some chats with freya, but there's some contention between the two of them due to freya's association with olzhas and moreover fir disapproval of the cassiopeia plan in general. fi stays in fairly reliable contact with marjolaine, but marjolaine himself rarely reaches out for fir, much to fir dismay.
thuyết is also quite absent from the kind of fornax ghost blend just because fi's so busy moving around... i'd also say fi has some of the best control of fir form so compared to everyone else fi has more coherent speech and presentation, not really falling into the typical nebulousness of the other ghosts... this distance isn't really intentional though. fi enjoys míra's company most of all, and though fi has conflicting thoughts on cas, their thoughts collide well and so they've communed a lot. figuring out the nuances of it but the three of them together came to the conclusion of sending peixin visions so.

✰ misc

✰ fi was heavily engrossed in using old school tech, and it probably went beyond just studying it... fi probably owned all kinds of things like gramophones and strange antique clocks.
✰ fir knowledge of morse was passed on to most members of affinity, and to this day faris and ulises often talk to one another nonverbally using morse signals taught to them by fir.
✰ over the years fi took care of various pets, most notably a cockatiel named eguzkia and a calico cat named marteau.
✰ fi has two major associated 'instruments'; saxophones and morse noises. fir associated fornax color is dark teal, and for subtlety's sake, fi has a secondary signal where fi gives the surface of fornax a metallic sheen.

↳ meta

✰ role

wip. probably unimportant at first but does a lot in the sunrise ending.
i do want to say fi kind of embodies fornax as one singular figure... all the other ghosts have these big complexes about being dead (fittingly) but thuyết is kind of just content with it and embraces it.

✰ motifs

morse, mostly! also has influence from microscopes and printing, generally all kinds of weird specific lab tech...

✰ title

daisywheel refers to a mostly bygone form of printing text, daisywheel printing. was picked because it matched the kind of circular motif fi already had with all the microscope imagery and i just randomly found out about those printers while fi was in development... i also think its fitting due to the entire pushing daisies metaphor haha

✰ inspirations

✰ shapes and colors have basis in 70s interior design... similarly has some influence from kandinsky works with all the circles and colorful palettes.

✰ external

artfight profile
solo playlist - daisywheel

↳ design

✰ description



fir original design was made by stanley from flobi smile.