


6 years, 25 days ago



Name     Devina
Name Meaning      Divine One
Personality     generally cold, cruel, and grumpy unless you're one of the few she's close to - witty & sassy
Significant Others     Lucien

B a c k s t o r y

During her early years, Devina was abandoned by her birth parents, leaving her to fend for herself. Her cold personality was formed by the other creatures 
that treated her differently and bullied her. One time a family of wolves took her in and that was the only time she felt happy. 
It didn't last long because her foster parents were murdered by a mysterious male. Devina arrived to the home from a forest adventure 
to fend off the intruder with a spiky wire that was left by humans long ago. Ultimately, she saved her foster family's youngest son, Lucien who was close to her in age.
 Devina and Lucien moved to a secluded cave in the mountains to stay away from others, scarred from their experiences. They wouldn't travel into other settlements 
unless they needed food, medicine, or items they could only barter for.

H o b b i e s  a n d  A c t i v i t i e s

Devina passes her time by carving images into the walls of her cave home and painting with mixes from local berries. 
She often leaps off the mountain tops to experience the exhilarating feel of the wind in her fur and knowing that she is free from the judgement of others.

Secretly, Devina ventures into nearby villages to act as a vigilante and saving those who cannot defend themselves. 
She earned the nickname "Divine One" from the people she saved because off the silhouette that 
would appear when she saved them - wings outstretched and a halo look-alike

M a r k i n g s   a n d  A c c e s s o r i e s

Devina's crown is made of the barbed wire that she used to save Lucien's life. 
She keeps it as a reminder that she is strong and can conquer anything, along with the use as a weapon. She also has tattoos on the ride side of her body. 
The tattoos are placed over the scars that she earned in the fight against her parent's murderer.