Truth and Ideal



1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Lamb Fur | Baby Horns | Clover and Shell Facial Scales | Standard Eyes, Ears, and Tail


Double Heads | Bioluminescence | Cherub Wings



Truth and Ideal



Age and Birthday:

Elder/Adult, birthday TBD. 76 years old. 


Female, they/she




Previous: Used as a "fortuneteller" for their parents to gain popularity and riches, previous member of Devotion and recruiter for Devotion. Wanderer after leaving Devotion, traveling "fortuneteller".

Current: Resides in Dawnfare and Dusken, still acts as a "fortuneteller" of sorts but also exists as a figurehead of peace for the two towns.


Previous: A small village called The Starry Napes Of The North. Previously in Devotion camp. Scattered around as they tried to find where to settle.

Current: Dawnfare and Dusken alike, usually goes from each place and has a home in both. 


While they both share fairly similar traits, even copying mannerisms of the other, they do have two heads for two separate personalities. They are able to read each other's emotions and other's emotions very well due to knowing how the other head feels, making them a very empathetic individual. However, life and especially their early years have hollowed them out, and they're a bit more emotionally numb to things now. They both do enjoy the company of Dawnfare and Dusken, however, and are learning to brighten up a bit in the town. 

Truth (Left): Truth is the more realistic head, the one that truly knows what has occurred or what must occur. Truth does not shy away from living up to her real name, as much as it pains her. She's the more solemn head between the two, though she has brightened a little now with the new town. Truth is more calculating and intelligent, but a much "heavier" head in the sense of knowing the truth behind many things. She stays more secluded and allows Ideal to do more of the talking when it comes to regular conversation.

Ideal (Right): As her namesake, Ideal is the more optimistic one out of the two and presents what could be possible and how to achieve it for when they're a fortuneteller for others. She always tries to see the good side of things, but after years she's just as burdened as Truth. Regardless, she does her best to be the more enthusiastic and optimistic head, always a bit more lighthearted and more amicable to talk to others than Truth.


BIRTH/FORTUNE: Truth/Ideal was born in their small village to a pair of, at first, modest farmers who were intrigued by the two-headed phenomenon. Previously, they were well-renowned as cattle farmers, but after she was born, many other folks around the town got into their business. Some considered her a blessing from the gods, but others tarnished them and told them to kill the dragonet, calling her a curse. The farmers were worried and stressed, not wanting to lose their child or their farm, but eventually Truth/Ideal was able to grow up at least a little, though heavily bullied by the other dragonets. Eventually, one day, Truth unexpectedly spoke out about some dragons and their futures, some prosperous and others not as much. When Ideal panicked and went along with her, the townsfolk grew suspicious and uneasy. A few fell into it, starting to give offerings and hoping it would please the gods. Their parents were now more money hungry afterwards seeing the riches that were offered, dressing them up and telling her to keep reading as they opened a business for it. Truth hated that she spoke out, but Ideal tried to reason with her, eventually agreeing that it was the only way they could survive.

OMEN: They did this business for a few years, dressed up and now only a fortuneteller instead of continuing schooling and only reading when she had the time around all of it. However, the business became less and less believable as more dragons in their town continued to threaten and accuse her of lying. The parents, warped by their riches, looked for any possible way to keep up their image. They found out about Omen and the group of Devotion, going to him and striking up a deal with it and the group. Omen made a pact with them- they will "take care of" the doubters if Truth/Ideal could recruit more members for the group. Horrified, Truth/Ideal wanted to decline, but the parents gave her no choice and accepted. They now continued their business, speaking much more shakily as their parents eavesdropped and gave Omen the list of dragons that were threatening them, now hearing about their murders the next day. It led to fear within the town and more riches at their door, the parents rejoicing while Truth/Ideal suffered and hated the pain, knowing they couldn't lie but hating all of it. They also hated the recruitment of Devotion, not knowing the full extent of it all yet but already feeling as it was a bad idea as they recruited ancestors of current dragons. 

DEVOTION: One day, unfortunately, Omen was furious about not getting a share of the riches after the influx the parents got. They tried to protest that it wasn't in the deal, but Omen didn't listen as he murdered them in front of Truth/Ideal both. Horrified, Truth/Ideal watched as Omen and the recruited members laid waste on her town, killing every last member to try and nullify any witnesses before kidnapping Truth/Ideal and taking them to Devotion. Truth/Ideal was seen as more of a prophet and figurehead for Devotion, but Omen occasionally sent her out to do more recruiting with the threat of death if she tried to escape. They did make some friends, the partner to Omen and the ancestor to Crowe, but mostly kept to themself as they mourned the life they were living.

ESCAPE/WANDER: With an impending sense of doom for them, Truth/Ideal did their best to form an escape plan. Fortunately, their two friends were able to help her escape, Omen's partner explaining that all females were going to be murdered after they had dragonets and were most likely going to either have Truth/Ideal have eggs, which they were both vehemently against since they didn't connect with anyone like that, or be murdered for show. Omen's partner and her other friend, Lucif, were able to sneak her out and get her to the city of Northcape nearby, wishing her well and heading back while Truth/Ideal escaped. She did her best to keep running, knowing she had to get as far away as she could and planning to head down south. They traveled through a lot of the kingdom, wanting out of the north since there were rumors of her being a symbol of death and destruction passed around even in Northcape. She took carts, walked, or found any means to travel since she couldn't fly well with her cherub wings, and was luckily able to escape without any notice from Omen.

DAWNFARE AND DUSKEN/PENUMBRA: They eventually found themself on the riverbank and in the quieter but still arguing towns of Dawnfare and Dusken. She stumbled upon them accidentally, but they had a feeling of some security there and decided to give it a chance. They entered the towns, the members of Dawnfare suspicious but Dusken rejoicing and claiming her as another sign of the gods. Though Dawnfare was suspicious, Ideal was able to convince them that the bioluminescence on their body was a "gift from the sun" to help soothe them and eventually have them agree. From there on, Truth/Ideal became somewhat of a god to them as they worshipped her and kept her safe. Though Truth/Ideal still didn't like the riches and gifts they got, they were relieved to have some sanctuary at last. It took a bit of time to settle until she met Penumbra, a month or so after she was announced to be the new "peacekeeper" between the two towns. Penumbra didn't seem to like them at first, suspicious of her so-called powers, but she did still regard Truth/Ideal with respect and as a member of the town. Truth/Ideal both liked her because of this, appreciating that she was treated as more of an equal beside her instead of like a god. They eventually built a very strong friendship, Truth/Ideal getting back into sharing their wisdom with the town for those who sought it and helping out with Penumbra's duties as much as she wanted. They built a very close friendship, finding the first real friend after everything that occurred. They have no plans of leaving either town, not appreciating the god image much but mostly grateful to be alive.

CURSED OMEN ARC: Truth/Ideal both continued to live their elder years out, spending years alongside Penumbra to keep the towns at peace. One day, however, Penumbra comes back from her common travels to Vale for knowledge (Truth/Ideal doesn't leave much either due to her lack of ability to fly), starting to talk about certain dragons she saw. She drops Omen's name, however, making Truth/Ideal freeze and panic. When Penumbra notices and asks, Truth hesitantly decides to tell her where they came from, expressing both of their guilt and fearing they would be considered a curse and thrown out. To their surprise, however, Penumbra wraps them in a hug and expresses how horrible it sounded and promising not to tell anyone, wanting to keep her friend safe. Truth/Ideal are both emotional, thanking her, but Ideal hesitantly says that perhaps they should go help, knowing the big part they played in Devotion and wanting to make things right. Truth tries to deny it at first, the two heads arguing for a bit until Truth finally sees her point and agrees, Penumbra coming with her despite their protests. Penumbra promises to carry them and to help, liking the younger dragons she met as they decide to make their way back up north, where Penumbra said they were heading. 

CURSED OMEN ARC- OZYRN: They land in Ozyrn and meet up with the other dragons that Penumbra had met, Truth/Ideal explaining to the group her ties with it all and the backstory of it all. Truth warns Crowe when he still expresses desire to kill Omen, warning him of the likelihood that he'll be cursed with it and that they need to find a different way to work around it all. While the groups recoup to try and figure it out, Truth/Ideal and Penumbra spend some time looking around, inviting one of the dragons named Nodus when Penumbra notices how troubled he is as she invites him to Dawnfare/Dusken. Though he's gone the next morning, Ideal has a hint that he did go down to the towns and hopes the best for him. They get to know Canary, another old dragon that recognized Truth/Ideal as the "prophetic cow", as he claims. Though it was an odd first impression, Penumbra grows to like him and eventually Ideal does as well while they walk around Ozyrn and he explains his story and his beliefs. Truth is still a bit wary of him, but knows he has good intentions as she starts forming ideas about a solution, one that Ideal can feel and ideas she knows must be floating around somewhere, likely with his granddaughter Crane. 

CURSED OMEN ARC FINALE: When the time comes, Hymn is with Crowe and Token as they work to lure Novocaine away from Omen. They encounter him and Omen as well, able to separate the two and isolate Novocaine, finally catching him once and for all as they alert officials and get him classified, not only for his more recent crimes but crimes dating back to his time in Vale. He's sent to the prison with some help from Token and Crowe while Hymn slips away, able to lure Omen towards the old cave where he resided and where Crane has said to bring him for the plan. She confronts him, but during the confrontation is interrupted by Truth/Ideal, attempting one last time to plead for their friend's lives and Omen's own. But deranged and fueled by centuries of hatred, Omen tries to attack. Crane distracts him and leads him away, leading him down into the cave system and trapping him with the help of her grandfather, Canary, "killing" their two curses and trapping them underground. The others regroup with members waiting in Ozyrn for them and do their best to go dig out Crane under the avalanche, finally hearing her voice and managing carefully around the storm to free her. After a few days, they finally rescue her, spending a few last days in Northcape while she heals before everyone finally parts ways, unlikely friendships made and promises made to return to each other soon.

RETURN: Truth/Ideal return back home with Penumbra, reuniting with her son-like figure Gaudiere and getting updated on the town's status while they quietly grieve about Omen's loss and having buried him in the cold. They grieve on their own, however, not telling Penumbra about the heartache they shared.