Lina/ Lime



6 years, 2 months ago


A small goat bab is born with huge wings and every person is confusion. Because of this she either gets no attention or too much and gets flusterd, or uncomfortable. One day while crying in the woods because she was lonely she found a tiny ant looking thing. She began telling it her problems because it wasn't walking away and she was lonely. Half way through he runs off and comes back with a juice box. She gets happy and confused but doesn't know why he brought it or if he even knew why she was sad "which he did" so she caught him to keep him as a pet. She then put him in a jar and he was confused then much distress. he sobbed and banged on the glass all day until she came home from school crying again. Bee Ant saw her and even though he was sad himself he tapped the glass and hopped she'd notice him. She nuglectingly opened the jar and let him go. Then she continued to cry alone. He felt bad so he climbed to her ear and said. "Are you ok?" She jumped and realized he was talking. "you can talk??" "sure," He said "can all bugs talk?" "most of them." "... If you can talk... then what's your name?" "Harley, the Bee Ant." "Bee Ant?, Not either or?" "unfortunately.." "so then who do you stay with? The bees or ants?" "neither..." "hmm." "..." "wanna stay with me?" Harley was beside himself and accepted. He stayed with her and lived in that jar, accept he could open it this time. He was given a tiny pillow and a lil dolly blanket. Slowly they grew together, and each day that passed Harley said whole souled. "One day! we will marry!" And Lina just laughed and agreed to humor him. One day as Lina went into 7th grade Harley was missing. She looked high and low for him but Lina couldn't find him anywhere. then her mom went to her and said, "look i found him!" as she held a regular ant. "No.. Harley could talk.." Lina's mom quickly rebuked this "NO hun, that was your imagination..." "n-no it wasn't! he kept me company! he was my only friend!!" she said in tears. after this there mom became genuinely concerned for Lina and sent her to a mental doctor, where they convinced her Harley never existed... Years later, Lina works as an editor for the press. She has a small apartment and lives in a land with many winged creatures, so she doesn't find herself to stand out much. Every night she had dreams of Harley her beloved pet. She still felt lonely though she did have one friend, but she would be leaving soon across seas for her new job. Lina was convinced Harley didn't exist, as a matter of fact she knew it to be so, so much she thought she was crazy when she concluded with that. Until she edited a paragraph that talked about talking insects invading the city. She still managed to shun it off and head home. As she walk she saw him. or was it? He was huge! he was at least 2 or 3 feet taller than her? and he didn't exist.. until he spoke. "Lime?" Lina lost her mind. He sounded and looked like him, and he had been the only one who named her that. and... he was cute.... "H-H-H-H-H" "Lime? are you ok?" and then she fainted, but woke up next to Harley who had been sitting next to her the entire time. "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she tried to shout. "I-Is it really... you???" She said in disbelief "I think so." "'d you" "I don't know, i just grew.." "where did you go.... all that long ago?" "I was kidnapped by bees." "why?" "long story." His face was always blank and his eyes were huge. he seemed like he had no emotions at all. "Why'd you come and look for me?" "we're supposed to get married" ;//O//; and scene