


1 year, 1 month ago



Name: Mishka (Possibility to change in the future)

Age: Around 10-12

Birthday: February 25

Constellation: Aegithalos caudatus (Shima enaga) or Album ursi (White bear) 

Region: Snezhnaya

Vision: Cryo

Weapon: Catalyst


“Mishka doesn’t necessarily hate winter, or cold; instead, he hates the feeling of drifting into that same cold place where he nearly died, so much so that he never wants to return there again. The cold reminds him of his past, of the night when it took his family from him and the guilt of what happened still haunts him to this day.”


Mishka appears quite reserved and quiet at first, but he actually has a very blunt, and frank personality. He is not afraid to speak his mind, and always tells the truth no matter what he is asked. This has led to some people thinking of him as a bit rude, but he just sees himself as being honest and straightforward; and he prefers to see things this way than to sugarcoat the truth. Because of this, Mishka is often seen as cold and unfriendly child by others; however, deep down he is actually a very loyal and dedicated friend who will do everything in his power to help those he cares about, even if it means sacrificing his own comfort or safety. 

Mishka is known to be bad at navigating and has often gotten lost in the past as a result. However, he is also quite mature compared to other children his age and has often been seen in places that other children don’t typically go; this is because he has always had a great sense of curiosity and loves to learn about more complex topics. He also adores and respects Father very much and considers René to be similar to a big brother; however, he does still get occasionally annoyed by his antics. Overall, he is a good-hearted boy who loves nature and animals.

Character Stories (Warning: a little graphic)

Mishka is a boy who comes from a humble family, having been raised by his mother and father in a house in a small town in the snowy forests of Snezhnaya. Their home while not lavishly decorated, was always very warm and cozy, and Mishka was happy growing up with his loving parents in the cold, snowy environment. Mishka's father was usually the sole source of income for the family, frequently going out working for money while Mishka and his mother stayed home. 

In terms of looks, Mishka's father can be considered a very beautiful man. His looks often make his mother feel insecure. She has never been particularly stable mentally, and as a result she spends much of her time overthinking in comparison to her husband and has become rather obsessive over the small details of her life. This in turn, leads to her mental state being in decline. Mishka's mother often finds herself being fed by gossip from her jealous, and rather mean-spirited neighbors; and as a result, she finds herself constantly overthinking; because she is less attractive than her husband, she has grown to believe that he will eventually leave her.

One day, during a blizzard, Mishka's mother made a terrible mistake-driven by a terrible delusion and an extreme case of paranoia, she took the life of her poor, innocent husband. Mishka who had woken up from his sleep, witnessed the terrible deed that his mother had committed. Seeing the image of his husband in Mishka, simply could not allow him to be near her. So, she dragged him outside during the blizzard, where she eventually let go of his hand and disappeared into the snowfall.

While wandering aimlessly, he eventually collapsed as he had fallen into a frozen river and almost died from the cold. It was only because of the protection of a vision that he had received prior to his near-death that he survived. and it was on that night that Father found Mishka and saved him, taking him in and caring for him as his mentor and father figure after that one fateful night.

Because of the incident, Mishka's trauma from his mother's actions have continued to affect his life to this very day; as a result, he dislikes the cold, and often wears extra-thick clothing to ensure that he does not succumb to the cold ever again.


  • (Design concept) He is based of Shima Enaga bird, but his name meant bear cub. Which others tend to think he is based on a bear.
  • He tends to be attracted to people with Pyro vision.
  • Cinnamon roll that can kill.