White Charcoal



6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Charcoal, White Ashes, Ashes


Genderless (she/her and they/them pronouns)




Skull wolf


Pansexual aromantic


On a quest for immortality


Ashes, charcoal, night walks, forest stalking (for fun), embers, the night, stories regarding entities or cryptids, meeting new creatures, belly rubs, ear scratches


Tangled or matted fur, sticky fur, hot and humid weather, knives


Adopted from ForestFright!

URL to original design: [link]


An ash collector, gather variety of powdered substance to scatter across her fur. The grey ashes help prolong her life as she pursues cryptic stories and folklore. They get absorbed into her fur and have blacken her once white skull over the years. Battle scars cover her body from countless of fights against other cryptids and creatures she has encountered in her journeys. When killed, her body turns into ash and is only left with the skull. Her form, like a phoenix, rises from the fallen ashes over time. She has collected scars from extreme wounds that could not be healed properly. White Charcoal lives on from the ashes of other organic creatures, endlessly hunting down for a specific ashen cryptid. With the help of this cryptid, she believes she can live on forever.


Tends to be very modest around non-hostile intelligent creatures, wishing not to fight them and instead asking for directions on finding her cryptid. She's delighted in socializing with other creatures out of her own species and loves the uniqueness of each one she meets. The life as a cryptic search tends to be lonely and boring at times. Filling it with the experience and knowledge of other creatures is quite enjoyable for her. At other times, White Charcoal prefers being alone where she'll take long nights of just walking and taking in her environment. These peaceful moments put her at ease.

Hostile creatures are always suppressed by White Charcoal. She dislikes aggressiveness in general and will smother them out into ashes if they do not cease their aggravation. White Charcoal tends to be a patient person, but snaps at constant attacks or verbal jabs. She'll always lightly growl out a hollowed out warning before initiating an attack. In her attacks, Charcoal is relentless and will not let up over long periods of time. She's the type to strike secretly and stalks her prey over long distances if they're fleeing. Her determination in hunting down targets comes from her thirst of fighting.


Has the ability to exhale condensed white fog from her mouth, obscuring the environment around herself. She uses this masking technique to stalk her prey within the smoke, quietly following them until caught up. Because she has fought many battles, White Charcoal has quick reactions in countering or fighting against other creatures. Her red eyes help with seeing in the dark when stalking specific targets at night. They do give a slight glow, but often help intimidate her opponents. She's buff enough to wrestle a bear into submission and can accelerate up to speeds of 40mph over a short time. Like wolves, White Charcoal has a great sense of smell, especially in tracking ashes instead of fresh kills.

Extra Info:

  • Reforms like a phoenix rising from ashes
  • Her head skull use to be white, but blackened after the consumption of ashes over many years
  • Tries to howl, but always roars instead. She gets embarrassed by this and never howls
  • Really likes belly rubs and ear scratches. It's one of her weaknesses
  • Has piercings on her ears and 1 tongue piercing
  • Can actually eat, but doesn't need to. It's more of a luxury thing
  • Can be seen staring into her water reflection sometimes
  • Likes chasing butterflies, moths, etc...
  • Has a crow companion that follows her sometimes. She has a suspicion it's not as it seems...