


6 years, 5 months ago
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17 ✦ Male ✦ Canine

"It's time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I'd much rather say hello."

✦ About

Harper is very shy, and gets very anxious in new situations he is faced with, however he can quickly regain confidence over situations after trying them once or twice, or just being with someone he knows. Harper really enjoys going on adventures and exploring new places (even if he gets anxious about it).

Harper absolutely loves hanging out with friends, and is at his best when he is with them, he acts more happy and confident around them however if he's on his own he is more inverted and quiet. His best friend is Todd, who he has known since he was 8 and Todd was 10, together they like to explore and play video games, when they we're younger the pair were practically inseparable.

  • Anime
  • Tennis balls
  • Burgers
  • Butterflies
  • Cars
  • Being forgotten
  • Bees
  • The dark

✦ Appearance

Harper is mainly recognized by his soft baby blue bow collar and bell, his fur is extremely soft and velvety. The grey on his tail go over the top of the dark grey tip, not vice versa..

Harper is 4'8, when he is 20 he will be about 5'3, although this is not certain since his parents were short. He is a fox hound. His tail is the fluffiest part of his body.



✦ Best friend ✦



✦ Relation ✦



✦ Relation ✦

✦ Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc interdum eget odio ac elementum. Curabitur commodo rhoncus dictum. Vestibulum ut feugiat orci. Sed elementum tincidunt libero sagittis auctor. Pellentesque sollicitudin quis velit non molestie. Proin urna eros, fringilla at dui nec, ultrices blandit lectus. Nunc diam nibh, imperdiet vitae tempus sed, lobortis mollis ante. Duis pulvinar posuere urna, et vulputate purus rutrum a. Maecenas semper faucibus mi, at mollis leo accumsan ac. Praesent auctor urna, non vulputate nisl. Nulla facilisi. Quisque quam urna, commodo ut erat id, faucibus maximus nibh. Etiam quis mauris id erat placerat volutpat. Proin in velit rhoncus, sodales erat ut, accumsan lorem. Donec mattis orci nisl, eu congue nisl sodales non. Donec feugiat sapien vel efficitur placerat.

In ut sollicitudin metus. Sed cursus leo sit amet rhoncus consectetur. Nunc feugiat libero ultricies purus consequat scelerisque. Morbi lacinia urna magna, vel finibus dui malesuada volutpat. Mauris finibus rhoncus bibendum. Nullam urna ligula, viverra viverra condimentum vitae, elementum vitae diam. Mauris dapibus dictum erat sit amet auctor. Nulla consectetur mattis nulla, at pulvinar lacus aliquet tempor.

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