Funky Skunky's Comments

omg they look super cute! Would you consider taking one or two fullbodies for them?

Sure! Would you be willing to do both fullbodies together as couple art? If not thats ok!

yeah I would be fine doing that :)

Yeah I can draw them :) What pose would you like me to draw both of them in?

Up to you! Maybe something cutesy like holding hands or kissing or hugging? 

1 Replies

Could I try buying this character? If so where do i go to buy?? I'm a bit new to buying characters but I wanna try it out ^^

I take paypal or cashapp for character purchases!  I DM you my paymant tag and you pay, and I send the character over to you! 

Sorry for the late response !! I literally just realized I can't buy them because I'm one dollar off (3$)💀😭 it's because I have 5 dollars in NZ dollars but that means I'd have 3 dollars in USD meaning I wouldn't have enough money to buy them 😭 sorry for the bother

Its ok!