
1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Havu


Gender: Stallion


ID Number: DH66


Species: Nature Heart


Subspecies: Desert Heart


Age: 39


Sire: —


Dam: —


Siblings: —


Mate: —


Offspring: —


Breeding Slots: 1/5 left

3 reserved for Kinji

1 reserved for Flufferduck


Growths: Desert Marigold


Mutations: Earwings, Citrine Quart gems & horns (rare placement - face), feathered wings


Body Appearance: Markings mimic that of a lightning piebald Python with occasional small black spots. Stripe with star, his face wings are dark grey whereas the ones on his body are white. His yellow gems are present on below his eyes, under his cheeks, his upper right foreleg, and upper left hind leg. His horn is made of the same materials as the gems on his body, golden/bronze in appearance. 


Mane and Accessories Appearances: No mane, tail is white. 


Personality: —


Likes: —


Dislikes: —


Summary: —




#Naturehearts are not a free breed, they were created and are owned by @crystaluniicorn


#natureheartspecies #natureheartbreed #windflightoc